We got to the front of the line. I pulled out a couple of dollars as the lady in the ice cream truck took our order.

"What can I get for you two?" She asked in a rush.

"Cookie Monster and Mint Chocolate please."

"Alright, will that be all?"

"Yes," I handed her the cash.

"And make sure to add a double scope to mines," Jamal added smiling at the lady as she laughed at his response.

"Jamal Hamilton," I said giving him a stern look.

     While putting my wallet back into my purse Jamal and I stepped over to the side. I felt a tap on my shoulder drawing my attention to the man behind me. It seemed like he knew me, and he also seemed very familiar.

"Angie, Angie Woods?" He asked checking me out.

I was a married woman with a big noticeable diamond ring planted on my right hand, so this did not sit right with me, "It's Angie Hamilton now and who's asking?" I asked holding onto Jamal's hand.

The man laughed, "damn I apologize it's just nice to see you again. Age hasn't fazed you at all I see." He kept looking at my face.

Jamal went back over to the ice cream truck grabbing our ice cream bringing it back over to me.

"Here you go, mommy!" He gave me my ice cream eating his while hiding behind my legs away from the strange man.

"Do I know you?" I asked becoming annoyed.

He looked taken back, "Angie it's Quincy, we went to high school together. You were two years ahead of me, but I graduated with your sister Tiana."

It still didn't click.

"We took music class together sophomore year of high school."

Then it finally hit me, he was one of the jocks who always joked around in class.

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you," I said eating my ice cream.

"Man you still look good I had the biggest crush on you, but you never paid me any mind." He said rubbing his hands together and licking his lips.

"That's really sweet but I'm a happily married woman now, so if you will excuse me," I said taking Jamal's hand walking him over to a table with me.

"Wait," Quincy said catching my attention, "my bad if I came off too forward, you just shocked me that's all. Can we at least catch up some time, as friends?"

I thought about his request, "sure if I see you around again," with that I walked off with Jamal as we continued to lick our ice cream.

"Mommy who was that man?" Jamal asked sitting down beside me at a close table.

"Nobody important baby."

We quietly sat enjoying our ice cream basking in the warm weather as I looked back at Quincy in thought.

The past had a funny way of biting you in the ass sometimes.

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