Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Mackenzie's POV

If I thought school was hell before..

Returning was freaking terrible. I guess since the memo got around that regular crazy Mackenzie was back, everyone decided that it was okay to alienate me. It was only the beginning of first hour and everyone was staring at me and whispering. There was even a sophomore girl who came directly up to me and asked if I could switch my personalities on and off "for strictly psychology interests." What the hell? The only thing that made school not so bad was the prospect of lunch and seeing Kat and Kace. I heard from Melody that they were dating now. She sounded bitter about it buy I was afraid to ask about what happened when I wasn't here. Plus she didn't seem too intent on telling me anyway so..

I skipped going through the lunch line and instead made a beeline straight for the table me, Lance, and Kat used to occupy. Sure enough the two were there together. As I approached, Kat stood up.

"Kenzie?" Her big blue eyes were watery. It was in that moment that I realized she actually did consider me a friend and that she actually cared through it all.

"Kat," I greeted with a smile on my face. Then she had nearly jumped across the table and was enveloping me in a giant bear hug. I held her small body in arms, trying hard to hold back my own tears at her warm welcome. "I missed you too."

When she pulled away the tears were streaming down her face and she was flushed. She wiped at them half heartedly. "You have no idea how much I missed you. None." And I smiled. I smiled because she didn't have to miss me anymore and because I knew I at least had one friend who would always be here.

My eyes wandered over to Kace, who still hadn't said much. "And you've got something to tell me," I added with a smile.

She blushed immediately. "Well if you're hinting, you already know," she muttered sassily. I smirked at her. She had grown some backbone.

"Maybe I just want to hear you say it. Although," I added. "I was really hoping you and hot volleyball playing Michael would get together."

It took her exactly two seconds to turn an even brighter red and swat at me. "Stop it!"

"Who's Michael?" Kace looked slightly uncomfortable but curiosity and jealousy trump awkwardness and guilt all the time.

Kat glared at me. "No one," she assured him at the same time I said "this hot guy."

Kace looked confused but quickly dropped it with a shake of his head. I honestly had never seen him this quiet and mellow before. It was starting to creep me out. "Kace," I greeted him with a tentative smile.

He gave me a half hearted side smile but it was gone almost immediately after it had come.

"Kace I'm not upset with you. You're- you were my friend."

"You should be upset with me."

I sat down at the table, tired of standing there awkwardly. "Why? You didn't do anything to me."

"I didn't help. I didn't come check on you. I was a terrible friend."

He was clearly intent on torturing himself today. "Just answer me one question, okay?" He met my eyes and nodded. "Were you going to forgive me before everything happened that day?"

He hesitated a bit, but finally answered. "I think so. I'm not sure. I was so angry with you. I felt like you purposely betrayed me when all I had been doing was helping you. I wanted you to suffer, but I missed you Mackenzie. I still do."

I smiled at him. "Then let's start over. You're Kace Super Swagged Out Awesome Pants and I'm Kenz Sometimes Kayla But Just As Awesome Sick Pants."

He gave me the first smile since he'd seen me. "So..Casekbjasp?"

Mum's The Word (Sequel To Just Say The Word)Where stories live. Discover now