Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Liam's POV

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I heard. Mackenzie was back. Kenz was here. I kept reminding myself of that during the drive. Somehow, I couldn't find the excitement in it. Lately Kenz had just become another method of stressing me out. How long would she be back anyway? A day? A week? It was only a matter of time before she reverted back to Makayla and I didn't want to get used to having her back just to be crushed again when Makayla came back. I'd rather it be done sooner rather than later. And all that said, I still sped to the hospital.

When I got there, I was struck by a wave of deja vu. At this same hospital I sat out in those uncomfortable ass chairs for two days, waiting to see Kenz after the car accident. This time there would be no waiting. Lina called me to initially tell me about Kenz's return and gave me all the information I needed. So I skipped going to the front desk and headed straight to the elevator. Immediately after exiting it, Lina and that therapist woman came into view.

"Lina," I called out to her.

She saw me and embraced me. "Liam, honey. Thank you so much for coming."

"Anything for Kenz."

Then Lance came waltzing out of the room. Kenz's room. I tried not to be hostile, I did. But he completely ignored my existence and pulled Lina to the side. Taking that as my opportunity to speak with Kenz alone, I slipped into her room.

She didn't look any different from Kayla. I couldn't even tell the difference if I tried. I knew they were the same person technically, but they weren't.

"Liam?" Her voice was soft, vulnerable. Her brown eyes met mine. I couldn't help comparing them to that of a wounded puppy.

"Yeah," I whispered in response. "It's me."

She didn't smile or cry out in joy like I had hoped. She didn't even look happy to see me. She just looked tired.  I kept forgetting her last memories of me weren't so fun.


I gave her a small smile but didn't make a move to be closer to her than the foot of the bed. "Hey. Long time no see."

She chuckled a bit. At least her sense of humor hadn't suffered much. "No kidding. What's it been, 3, 4 months?"

I nodded. "Around there, yeah. What's it like?"

"The time lapse thing?" I nodded. "Weird. I remember fighting with Sadie Pierce." If she noticed my wince, she didn't let on. "Then I remember going home. And..and what happened after. Then there were a few seconds at my house. Then there was earlier today." She shrugged. "It doesn't feel like much time has passed. It actually seems like time has just jumped ahead really quickly. I can't remember the in between. Just one moment being one place and the next being another with everyone telling me I've been walking and talking for three months and I don't remember any of it. It's surreal, but I'm dealing I guess."

She was truly the definition of a trooper. "How much did they fill you in on?"

She gave me her first glimmer of a smile. "Well I know you've been dating my alter ego if that's what you're asking." I let out a tuft of air in a slight chuckle at her honesty. "And I've been informed of my friendship with your friends and how much everyone helped to get me... well her to adjust. I also know that Sadie is gone."

What the hell? Sighing, I inched closer to her and invited myself up onto her hospital bed. She moved over to accommodate me and I found our sides mushed together as we lay there. "I'm sorry."

She didn't look over at me, only up at the ceiling. "I don't want to be stuck on what happened. I cheated on you and you lashed out. You were a dick about it, but compared to everything else in my life that was probably the most normal thing. I can't....I can't dwell on what happened between us when there are so many other less trivial things to worry about."

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