"A kid? "Korin had stepped out of the other room. He was occupying himself with his senzu plant. He had sensed the girl. Her ki was impressive although it was suppressed. She doesn't just walk around with her massive ki. "Did you climb all the way up here? "

"No, I flew" Sarada admitted casually.

"You flew? "


"Who taught you? "

"My father" Sarada shrugged. She realized that the only earthling that actually currently knew how to fly was Kami. He was the one to teach Kakarot after all.

"Interesting " Korin had a hand on his chin. The child could fly. The child had a tail. Who was the kid? He didn't know, but he was impressed. He was sure Kami would be interested in Her. "What's your name? "

"Sarada. Nice to meet you"

"I'm assuming you know who I am"

"Yes, Korin"

"You're up here for a reason, do you want to be trained? Or are you after the sacred water? "

Sarada shook her head no. There wasn't anything Korin could teach her. She was faster than him. She wasn't in search of the scared water because she wanted her potential unlocked on Namek. All she wanted from the cat were some senzu.

"I come in search of senzu" Sarada honestly revealed. "You plant them, don't you? "

Korin nodded. He was not going to ask how Sarada knew of the beans.

"Would you mind giving me some? I'm interested in planting them myself and I would really like to take some with me when I leave soon"

Korin nodded again. "Tell me, who trained you? "

"Cloud hermit Jun"

At the mention of the name the cat gained a look of shock. Jun? She trained under him? If she was indeed his pupil she should be skilled in magic. She could plant the beans if he instructed her on how. If she trained under the hermit she should have the ability to create the nimbus clouds.

"Can you create nimbus clouds? "

Sarada nodded yes and created one as proof.

Korin nodded again. Since she had the ability she must be pure of heart. Which meant he had no problem with helping her. It helped that she was very respectful and calm.

"Alright. How many senzu do you want? " Korin asked as he lead Sarada to the back room. He approached the small pot of senzu he had accumulated over the years.

How much would she want? She didn't know how long her trip to Namek would last. She was sure she would be active everyday. Then there is the fact that she wanted to plant a good amount. She would also like to have some on her during her time in the hyperbolic time chamber. She could ask for a generous number seeing as Korin had an impressive amount of beans. Maybe thirty would do her good. Ten for the trip. Ten would be in the ground. Ten would be available to her during her year long training. She wouldn't want to rely on them so it would have to do.

"How about thirty, if you don't think it's too much"

Korin said nothing as he gathered thirty beans and stored them in a small sack which he proceeded to tie and hand over to Sarada.

"Thirty "

Sarada smiled and tied the sack to her waist.

"Thank you"

Korin waved her off as he made his way back to the front of his supposed house. Sarada was following after him.

"Do you know of the one residing higher up? "Korin asked as he stared out at the clouds.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now