chap 4: balls are simple affairs

Start from the beginning

"Have I?" He cajoles, and I roll my eyes, stepping back from him.

"Many, many times"

He grins slightly, "I know, I know. I'm getting old. Forgetting things" He admits, looping his hand through mine. It's a sign that he has people to introduce to me. And even socializing with people I've never met bears no interest to me, I do it for my father.

His gaze flickers to her face, hardening,"I can see the bruise," He shortly says after a few seconds, and I raise a hand to my cheek tentatively. I'd covered it well "Care to explain?" He's scowling now. My father is cautious, and he notices everything. I'd taken special care to make sure it was covered, but I suppose you can't fool someone who had spent countless hours doing SF special effects as a child. I take a deep breathe. I don't know how to tell him.

His eyes narrow in my direction,"Don't worry, it's covered well" He gruffly adds, but he continues to stare at me, clearly waiting for an answer. He reads my mind well. I blink, forcing a coherent thought to my head. I need to explain this, and now.

I decide that the best choice is to tell the truth. It's better then any other assumption he may come to,"Blair and I had an argument. I said something I shouldn't have said and she slapped me" I admit after a few seconds and I pause, allowing him to reply. He raises an eyebrow. He's skeptic, just like me. He doesn't believe me.

"Alexis, if this is from one of your races-" He gruffly starts, and I hold up hand to stop him.

I stare into his eyes calmly, "It isn't. I promise" I say, and I hold out my pinkie. It's a ritual my father and I have. Pinkie Promise is more then a binding promise for us. It means everything. It means you mean what you've said. And I mean my words.

He shakes his head at me, "You know how dangerous those races are. You aren't a professional driver. Am I supposed to believe you haven't done any races the entire summer?" Alexis can't lie to him like that.

"I've done one the entire summer" I admit, and he shakes his head at me, bowing it. He hates it when I compete.  It's a dangerous sport, and I understand where his concern comes from, but I've been racing for years. He knows that. I'm good, and I won't compete in any races I know I can't win.

He drops his gaze from mine, "You promised" He disappointingly murmurs, staring at me. I can see the concern in his eyes- the concern of a father looking after his daughter. I'm glad I have him, to look after me. Even if he's more absent then I would like, I'm fine with it. 

"One more this weekend and then I'm done" I respond firmly, and he nods his head.

My father's eyes blaze into mine, concern hidden in them, "So be it. If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive you" He says, and I take a deep breathe, staring at him. I can't assure him nothing will happen. I've watched dangerous things happen on that track, but never to me.

"Fair enough" I manage to choke out. My voice seems have to left me.

He tightens his grip on my arm, leading me towards a group of people. They part immediately at our entrance. I stare around at the group, observing everyone slowly. Celia, besides her husband and her daughter- Leah, and several other people I've never met. Almost instantly, my eyes fall on the boy in the middle of the group. His eyes are alight as he animatedly explains something to Celia, and I notice Leah's gaze focused on him. She's enthralled by him. And I completely understand why. His black hair is a contrast to his tanned skin, and his jawline is sharper then I've ever seen before.

His suit fits perfectly, and two buttons on his thing are unbuttoned, allowing me to see the tattoo on his chest perfectly. I catch myself staring, and I can't draw my eyes away. It's the exact same tattoo I have on my collarbone. It's almost at the exact same location as his. "I'd like you to meet Ares," My father says, gesturing to the boy I'd been admiring "He's the head of marketing. A fine worker," He shakes hands with Ares.

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