year two: rescue mission

Start from the beginning

"Me? How am I supposed to know? We don't exactly have a way to get to Surrey and back in one night," said Hope as Ron looked discouraged, but suddenly her eyes lit up. "But, I might know somebody who can help us."

Ron furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, asking. "Who? Who?"

Hope smirked as she let out a breath. "It'll take a little bit of convincing, but knowing me, they should agree to it with no problem. Just let me do all of the talking, you know?"

"No," he shook his head. "I don't know."

"Are you always this stupid? I'm going to have to start calling you Harry," she spoke with a smile, thumping Ron in the back of the head. "I'm talking about George and Fred, I figured they might have an idea."

It took a good five minutes for Hope Lupin-Black to explain everything to the Weasley twins, not sparing a single detail

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It took a good five minutes for Hope Lupin-Black to explain everything to the Weasley twins, not sparing a single detail. The twin boys shared looks of agreeance the entire while Ron managed to keep his mouth shut.

"And that is why we need your help," Hope finished with a smile.

George Weasley raised an eyebrow as he glanced over to his twin. "Our help? Do you hear that, Fred, they need our help."

"Well, I don't know," Fred shrugged his shoulders as he pretended to ponder the idea. "I might have to think about it—"

"Could you hurry up?" Ron snapped, growing impatient. "We don't have all night."

The Weasley twins shared a look before they began snickering at their younger brother. George stood up and thumped him on the forehead. "Just be quiet, Ron, we're the ones with the ideas here. But, actually, I do have one that could work."

"What? What is it?"

Fred's grin grew wider as he let out a laugh. "I like the way you think, Georgie, it'd be the perfect plan."

"What plan?" asked Ron, not having a clue what his brothers meant. "Could you fill me in here, please?"

"We need to take the flying car, of course," answered George as if his brother had no brain. "Fred and I have taken it a couple of times, so one of us could drive over to Harry's."

Hope's eyes lit up as she started jumping up and down in excitement. "You have a flying car? That's like the coolest thing I've heard, how does someone just leave that out? Ooh, can I drive?"

"In time, Little Lupin," the Weasley man told her. "In time."

"Perhaps we'll let you drive on the ride home," Fred suggested. "Give Ron and Harry a little scare—"

"I think not," the youngest Weasley boy interrupted sternly. "But seriously, are you guys helping or not?"

George raised his hands in defense as he stuck his tongue out. "Pushy, pushy. Obviously, we're gonna help. Who else would drive the car? You?"

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