Chapter 113: All The Help We Can Get: Part 4

Start from the beginning

It was a nice, sunny day at the hidden leaf village, flocks of birds were flying in the sky as a portal appeared in front of the entrance Gate of the village

You suddenly walked out of the portal and sighed of exhaustion, portals took energy to create, and making as many as you have in such a short time, drained a lot of your energy

Y/N: Man...Making this portals is getting a little tiring...I wonder if they still have that Ramen place...

With that you walked into the village through the gate, which for some reason didn't have guards like last time

Time Skip

After a little bit of venturing into the village which had even more people than last time, you started to lose hope in finding that Ramen shop

Y/N: Geez...did they take it down or something...?

You then suddenly felt a familiar energy behind you, causing you to go wide eyed as you turned around to see none other than Kakashi himself in the flesh

You then suddenly felt a familiar energy behind you, causing you to go wide eyed as you turned around to see none other than Kakashi himself in the flesh

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Y/N: Wait...Kakashi...?

Kakashi: Hm...? Hold on a second...Y/N...?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, I'm back as you can see...

Kakashi: I can see that, what brings you here...?

Y/N: I'm actually looking for Naruto, is he in the village somewhere...?

Kakashi: Yeah, he's right in there.

Kakashi pointed past you as you turned around to see the Ramen shop you went to the last time you came to the Village

Kakashi pointed past you as you turned around to see the Ramen shop you went to the last time you came to the Village

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Y/N: Are you kidding me?!

With that you went over to the Shop as Kakashi leaped away, you moved the sheets over you and walked into the shop as you took a seat

Lady: Hello there! What can I get for you?

Y/N: Three bowls of Ramen please...

Lady: Sure thing! Coming right up!

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