year one: book of memories

Start from the beginning

"Well, they did rather detest each other," Dumbledore chuckled to himself. "Not unlike yourself and Mister Malfoy, though. But then, your father did something that Professor Snape could never forgive."

Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "What did he do?"

"He saved his life."

Those words made Hope's jaw drop, as she said to herself. "What?"

"Yes," confirmed Dumbledore, letting out a sigh. "Your father's best friend decided to play a prank, and things went wrong, but James was there to save Severus. Professor Snape never forgave himself for being saved by the man he hated."

The Lupin-Black girl's mind went blank as everything seemed to click in her mind. Both of her fathers had almost killed her Potions professor. It was no wonder he had it out for her since day one.

"And sir," Harry suddenly spoke up. "There's one more thing."

"Just the one?"

"How did I get the Stone out of the mirror?" he questioned curiously.

As the Headmaster explained what he and Professor McGonagall had done with the mirror and the stone, Madam Pomfrey popped into the Hospital with a couple of students following intently behind them.

"Hope! Harry!"

Alfie Lupin-Black flung his arms around his younger sister, looking at her as if she had lost her mind. "What were you thinking? You knew that the third-floor corridor was forbidden!"

"I knew what I was doing—"

"No, no. You said that you were going to be more careful after that dragon incident. You need to stop keeping secrets," Alfie ranted. "Papa said that he's just glad it's the end of the year. Otherwise, you might get yourself killed!"

Hope rolled her eyes at her brother. "I'm going to ignore all of that, only because I'm happy that you forced me to play Wizard's Chess with you."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"Nevermind," she shrugged, letting out a laugh. "I swear, I'll try to keep the secrets to a minimum."

"No more secrets, Hope."

Harry Potter sat on his bed in the Hospital Wing by himself, as Hope and all of the others had left to get the trunks packed

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Harry Potter sat on his bed in the Hospital Wing by himself, as Hope and all of the others had left to get the trunks packed. It wasn't long before Madam Pomfrey came in with news of another visitor there to see Harry.

"Oh, that's good," replied Harry. "Who is it?"

Hagrid somehow managed to duck under the door, thanking Madam Pomfrey for letting him in. The second he laid his eyes on Harry, he began to burst into tears.

"It's all my ruddy fault," he sobbed loudly, his face in his hands. "I told the evil git how ter get past Fluffy! I told him, it was the only thing he didn't know an' I told him! Yeh could've died! All fer a dragon egg, I swear, I'll never drink again! I should be chucked out an' made ter live as a Muggle."

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