As expected all eyes were on me as I walked across to the school. I had to resist the urge to flip everyone the bird, I mean come on! Didn't your parents ever tell you it's not polite to stare.

I even got a few glares from some of the girls. One in particular stood out to me.

She was beautiful with long black hair and emerald green eyes. The kin of girl everyone wishes they were.

My guess would be that she was the queen bee, you know the type Head cheerleader/dance team captain.

Lets just say if looks could kill everyone within a ten door radius of me would be dead.

I think were going to great friends! Please note the sarcasm.

Walking into the school Derrick pointed to the office and asked if i was going to be okay before heading of to hang with a group of friends.

Opening the office door I walked up to the secretaries desk. She was a plump women and looked to be around the age of sixty.

"Oh hello, you must be Ashlynn Grey. Im Mrs. Hull" she said.

I smiled and nodded my head. A few moments later she handed me my class schedule, locker combo and a map of the school.

I walked out of the office and looked over my papers.

The school looked to be split into five buildings. A, C, D, G, and J.

I looked at my schedule and frowned, what person wants to start their day off with AP calculus? I don't thats for sure.

"You need some help?" a shy voice asked.

To my left stood a girl about my size, she had long strawberry blonde hair and light blue eyes. She looked nice.

I nodded my head and handed her my schedule.

"We have periods 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 together. I'm Tegan by the way, Tegan James" she said with a smile.

'Ashlynn' I wrote with a smile.

She gave my a questioning look. I erased my board.

'Im mute' I waited for her to look at me with disgust, or run in the opposite direction and never talk to me again.

Understanding crossed her face and she smiled at me.

"Well that's okay I talk enough for the both of us. We should probably head to class now" she said lopping her arm through mine.

Well that was unexpected I thought.

I walked about two steps before I stopped. The girl with the black hair and killer glare stood just up the hall.

She was standing next to none other than Easton Tearins, but he looked like he couldn't care less about her standing there.

"Looks like you have spotted the schools little princess." Tegan said with something the sounded like hatred in her voice.

"Her name is Tamara. I swear she goes through boys like water. She has been with almost all the guys here at school, I think the longest relationship she has had lasted like three weeks."

'Ladies and gentleman, the modern day slut!' I write on my board

Tegan just laughs.

"I totally agree, but the rest everyone follows her around like a lost puppy. She leader or the dance team here and does lessons outside of school. She is amazing at ballet."

I expected the dance team part but not do much the ballet. Ballet takes a lot of discipline and work. Definitely something it doesn't look like she has.

Looking back over at Tamara and Easton I see Easton narrow his eyes and walk away.

Almost instantly Tamara whips her head around and glares at me.

I smile sweetly and wiggle my fingers at her. She turns and walks away with her nose in the air.

Tegan laughs.

"Grab your popcorn, cause this is going to be fun to watch." she says still laughing.

I just smile.

Tamara is going down.


Hey guys, so tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you.

Soccer season just started, we had our first game yesterday. We won like 12 to 1 but it was a fun game.

Question: What is your favorite sport? What do you like about it? What position do you play?






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