Chapter 50: Clarke's Always In Trouble

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"Rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon" Bellamy says jumping down from the top of the rover

The group had all been laying around waiting for the rover to charge. Peta laid all the way on top of the rover where cargo could rest, Jasper sat in front of the window. Sawyer sat on the ground holding her aching leg. Clarke paced back and forth, Atlas laid on the seats in the back taking a nap and Octavia sat near Sawyer 

"Then what, run away?" Clarke says fueling an argument. Peta groaned at Clarke's annoying persistence 

"We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat" Peta said sitting up. Sawyer liked that the girl had a voice with the group despite the large age gap 

"Peta's right" Octavia says standing up 

"Are we really going to listen to a 11 year old!"

"Clarke, cut the shit" Sawyer says annoyed at her hostility

"There is no other way to stop Alie . We need to find a Nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's literally the only way to stop Alie" Clarke 

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke, walk into random villages asking for their Nightbloods?" Jasper scoffs 

"If that's what it takes" Clarke says taking Jasper seriously 

"No, Clarke. If Alie can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village" Octavia says standing her ground

"We leave a trail of bodies everywhere we go, how are you ok with that?" Sawyer said in disgust

"If we don't find a Nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages or a home for us to go back to" Clarke says getting in Octavia's space

"Clarke! You seriously need to stop with your overbearing need to control everything! We're going back home to check on our friends and then we can create another plan. Your making this process so much more difficult then it needs to be" Sawyer says having enough of Clarke's persistence 

Sawyer stood up from the ground and saw as Clarke looked to everyone for someone to defend her. When no one spoke Clarke stormed off into the woods

"She'll be fine. Just let her annoying ass cool off" Sawyer said rolling her eyes as she limped over to the rover 

"You feeling ok?" Peta asks looking to the girl nervously "Yea, i'm fine" Sawyer said blowing her off. "Are we just gonna let her roam through the woods?" Bellamy asks referring to Clarke 

"Pretty much" Jasper says laying back on the rover putting his arms behind his head 

"I'll go get her" Bellamy groans, he turned off walking into the woods

"All right, everyone load in" Sawyer called out. The scattered group got back into the rover ready to go 

"Now we gotta wait for drama queen and freckle boy" Sawyer says grunting as she got in the drivers seat. Everyone laughed at her nick names for the 2

"I'm taking a nap" Peta says laying on the rover floor that was covered in a tarp as she pulled out a blanket

"You do that" Octavia says smiling at the girl

Bellamy and Clarke emerged from the woods with Roan 

"What the fuck" Sawyer mumbled, she opened the door and jumped out. "What is going on?" she asked as they walked closer 

"Got room for another?" Roan said smiling 


Sawyer grunted as Bellamy drove into the hanger bay. Her legs had gone stiff from driving for so long. Everyone had pretty much been taking turns to sleep, the ones awake kept an eye on Roan 

"You ok?" Bellamy asked looking to the girl, Sawyer nodded and Bellamy pushed the break, stopping the rover. He leaned over and kissed the girl's cheek and Sawyer smiled at the gesture 

The rover doors opened and everyone hopped out, Sawyer took a deep breath nervous to get down 

"I got you"

Sawyer looked up to see her Dad, Sawyer smiled and her father helped her down. "It's good to see you" Chris said wrapping his arms around her. Sawyer let go and looked at her father's face, his under eye bags were popped out and he looked like he hadn't slept in days 

"You don't look so good Dad, are you ok?"

"Yea, just tired. Raven's really persistent on getting to Alie" Sawyer nodded 


Sawyer looked behind her dad to see Cole running over "Hey bubba" Sawyer said smiling as he ran into her arms 

"Where's Peta?" he asked quickly as he let his sister go 


Sawyer smiled as the 2 hugged each other "I have so much to tell you" Peta says gossiping as she pulled Cole away 

"They're too much" Atlas said laughing as he came behind Sawyer "Does the 3 year age gap remind you of anyone?" Sawyer said smirking as they watched the 2 kids who rambled on in the corner 

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