Chapter 22: Life in an illusion

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"Miller!" Sawyer called out loud and happy as she ran towards the boy who was just released from quarantine. Miller smiled as she jumped on him hugging him 

"I'm so glad you're ok!" she said releasing him. "Thanks" Miller said laughing. Sawyer froze when all of a sudden an alarm went off

Peta jumped off the top bunk and rushed over to Sawyer. Clarke moved in front of Maya stopping her from leaving. "Maya what's going on?" Sawyer asked 

"That signal means the surface patrol is back and someone needs medical attention. I have to go to quarantine" Maya said before rushing away. Sawyer instantly turned to follow "Hey what are you doing" Jasper said grabbing the girl to stop her

"Let go of me! Surface patrol is back what if they found survivors? If my people are hurt I need to know" Sawyer said pushing him off. Clarke nodded and followed "I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just go- wondering around" 

Jasper groaned following. Sawyer took off sprinting and turned the corner to see people putting on protective gear. Sawyer heard them giving information 

"They were attacked. One dead. He's in room two. The other took off his gloves and mask to treat him. He's still in decon, but he'll need treatment as soon as he's processed through"

"Who attacked them?" Sawyer asked stopping. "What are they doing here?" the man asked. Growing annoyed Sawyer reached behind her and pulled a key card out of the guys pocket 

"Hey! Stop! It's not safe" the guy yelled chasing after Clarke and Sawyer who barged their way though. "It is for us!" Sawyer called out sliding the key card on the panel entering the quarantine ward

"Let's go Jasper" Clarke instructed as Sawyer pushed open the door. "Uh someone's gotta keep them out of trouble" Jasper stumbled before sprinting off 

"Sawyer! Slow down" Jasper yelled sliding across the floor as he tried to keep up with the persistent blonde. Sawyer turned the corner and busted open a door hearing Jasper say "Stop pushing so hard. These people are-" 

Jasper stops talking once the 3 see a body bag laid on the table. Sawyer pushes down on the bag to find the entry wound seeing a bullet hole "Are lying to us! That's a bullet wound, grounders don't use guns!" Sawyer says loudly trying to make Jasper realize 

"Unless the grounder's got the guns from us" Jasper says trying to reason. "I don't think so! I think our people are alive out there. Someone's out there, the ark, Bellamy. Jasper Bellamy's out there I know it!" Sawyer yelled panting 

They were interrupted by Doctor Tsing who entered in protective gear yelling "Get them out of here" Sawyer gasped in shock as a man entered the room severe burns all over his body

Sawyer couldn't help but notice the hole covered by a cap on his top right shoulder, Maya had one too and that's where Doctor Tsing connected her blood tubes 

Sawyer, Jasper and Clarke we're kicked out of the quarantine ward and walked back to the mess hall trying to process what happened. Sawyer entered and saw Dante getting breakfast. She stormed up to him and declared "We need to talk" 

He turned and smiled sweetly which made Sawyer want to just punch him in the face "Sure, let's talk over breakfast" he attempted but Sawyer not having patience got straight to the point."Who shot that solider?"

Dante looked around embarrassed before moving Sawyer over and walking with her to the corner

"The patrol that was looking for your people was attacked by what you call Grounders" Dante lied making Sawyer angry 

"I've fought grounders. They don't use guns!" 

"I never mentioned guns, Sergeant Shaw was shot by an arrow" Dante lies. "Oh my god you're lying. I saw the wound. It was a bullet wound" Sawyer says frustrated

"Sometimes, we feel so strongly about our people we see things that aren't there" Dante says. Sawyer knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to put the blame on her and claim her to be crazy when she knew what she saw 

"I want to see the body" Sawyer says not trusting him, Dante reaches over to a table and puts his plate down before coming back and leading Sawyer out the room, "of course" he says 

"And I want Clarke with me" Sawyer requests. Dante nods and has someone go fetch Clarke. Dante leads Sawyer to the quarantine ward where she waits in an empty room. Clarke enters confused but Sawyer gives her an 'i'll explain later look' 

"Sorry to keep you waiting, we had to finish decontamination" Dr.Tsing says entering the room with a bed. "Thank you Dr.Tsing" Dante says smiling

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