Chapter 35: Whatever it Takes

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Sawyer, Monty and Bellamy walked into quarantine where Dante was sitting on the bed. He jumped up at their arrival, Sawyer could tell he was visibly taken back at the sight of her presence

"Hello Sawyer" Dante greeted, Sawyer just stared at him and Bellamy spoke up "Sir, we need your help again"

"It's okay. I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely" Monty reassured 

"No one's watching, anyway. Thanks to you, they're all on level five" Dante said, Sawyer could hear the attitude in his voice

"You're not" she said wanting to know why he was away from his people. "No, I'm not" Dante said 

"Please. We don't have much time. We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone" Bellamy begged 

Sawyer watched as Dante stared at Bellamy, he kept his lips tight which made Sawyer glare at him "He's not gonna help us" she said. Dante looked to Sawyer in disbelief 

"You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain-- my people, even the ones who helped you" Dante spoke frowning on her behavior. Sawyer walked closer to the old man 

She was ready to prove him wrong "We knew they'd be safe on level five. We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We're the good guys here, not you!" Sawyer's voice got louder as she kept going 

"Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would've happened to mine?" Dante asked. Sawyer rolled her eyes and turned to Monty who was looking down 

"Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what's happening on level five" Sawyer asked. Monty nodded "No problem!" he responded 

Bellamy walked forward and grabbed Dante pulling him. "Let's go. You're gonna help us, whether you like it or not" 

Bellamy pushed Dante forward which got him to start walking 

"I told you, there's no one here" Dante said as they turned a corner. Sawyer and Bellamy walked cautiously prepared for someone to attack 

"Sorry if we don't take your word for it" Bellamy said. "Why aren't you with your people on level 5?" Sawyer asked nosy as the group stopped in front of the command center. Monty tried to hot wire the key pad so they could get in

"After what I've done, they can be free. I can't. Deliverance comes at a cost. I bear it so they don't have to" Dante explained. Sawyer and Bellamy stared at Dante confused at what he was trying to say

"It wasn't Cage" Sawyer turned to Bellamy who was speaking "It was your idea to make the deal with the Grounders" Sawyer's jaw dropped as Dante nodded 

Fucking bitch 

She cursed in her head "We're in. Got it" Bellamy lifted his gun and opened the door scanning the area. "It's clear. He's telling the truth" Bellamy commented. Sawyer shoved Dante into the room, she was pissed at him 

"Get those monitors up" Sawyer spoke as she shut the door behind them. Monty tapped at the key board and messed with things "Command center is live" Monty commented 

They lifted their heads to watch the monitors. Sawyer's breathing stopped as she watched them drilling into Raven on the table. "Oh my god" she said covering her mouth "Is that Raven?" Bellamy asked 

The rest of the monitors turned on and Sawyer walked up to them. Sawyer heart dropped as a camera turned. Peta, Atlas, Chris and Cole all were chained up against a wall. A sob choked out of Sawyer's mouth 

Behind her Bellamy was yelling at Dante but Sawyer couldn't focus. "My Dad, he's unconscious" Sawyer said as she watched her Father's body hang from the chains 

Sawyer scanned the other monitors. On level 5 she could see the one person she wanted to just murder right now


Sawyer turned around and walked over to Bellamy, she pulled the radio out of his hand before walking back to the monitor. Sawyer clicked the talk button  

"Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail, come in" Sawyer said holding the radio up to her lips 

She watched as Emerson lifted his radio from his pocket "Who is this?" he asked. "You know who it is. Give the radio to your dumb president" Sawyer said. She watched as Emerson walked away out of the camera's view 

"They're moving" Bellamy said. Monty started tapping at the keyboard before he said "Not a problem. I'll bring it on the main monitor" 

Sawyer watched as Monty transported the feed onto the huge monitor in the front of the room. Cage walked into the camera view and lifted the ration. "This is President Wallace" Cage spoke 

"I have your father" Sawyer watched as Cage's face fell. She continued "If you don't let my people go, I'll kill him" Sawyer threatened

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