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Sawyer Mae Jameson technically hid a secret life from everyone. Her family had committed a crime that would get people floated on the ark. Everyone on the ark watched her grow up, she was the the light of everyone's day as she passed by them flashing her signature smile with her crystal clear baby blue eyes. 

To anyone having more than one child was a blessing. But on the Ark it was unacceptable and would be punished by death. Sawyer's mother Meredith had given birth to a beautiful little boy when Sawyer was 5. From that moment she was sworn to secrecy 

"Let's go over it one more time" Meredith said as she put the last pack of bandages in her med kit. "Mommy, we go over this every day" Young Sawyer whines as she pulled on the strings of her doll that was newly sown by her mother. "Sawyer Mae, again" Meredith instructed as she closed her bag and got ready to open the door to their unit

"I Sawyer Mae promise to never ever tell anyone about the baby in Mommy's tummy" Sawyer started "And?" Meredith asked tempting her to continue "-and, if I break my promise then the mean old ugly booger Chancellor will take Mommy and Daddy" Young Sawyer finished smiling as she added in some words. Meredith laughed and bent down smothering kisses on her 5 year old's face 

"Ok, ok Mommy" Sawyer giggled pushing her Mother off of her . "Lets go sweetie, Mrs.Cara told me that Atlas is so excited to play" Meredith said as she opened the door to her unit little Sawyer stumbling behind the quick woman

And Sawyer kept her promise. She didn't tell a soul, she was tempted many many times but didn't. The fear of loosing her mother was stronger than her temptation to spill her family's secret

Meredith and Sawyer's father thought of every possible solution on how to hide their up coming baby. They had hit a stump and decided it would be best to tell Meredith's best friend Cara. Cara came up with the plan to involve her friend 

The plan was Cara's friend Sherri would pretend to be the baby boy's mother. He would keep all of his things in her unit but would sleep and stay in Meredith's. Each unit had surprise inspections where the guards would come in at random times in hopes to catch someone in an act. With the baby's things at Sherri's the family seemed normal allowing any suspicions to be shut down


Meredith sat in her unit, sweat pumping from her face. 5 year old Sawyer's eyes were popped out of her head in fear. "Mommy? Are you ok?" Sawyer asked her voice soft. Another groan came from her Mother's lips and the door to her unit was being pushed open a loud Cara running in 

"I got you, I got you" Cara comforted as she put a blanket under Meredith. Cara helped focus Meredith on her breathing allowing her to calm down. Little Sawyer used a cloth to wipe the sweat off of her Mother's face "Wheres my Daddy?" Sawyer asked as she stared at Cara with her big blue eyes 

"There was a malfunction in station 7 again, he should be here soon"Cara answered as she pushed a water bag to Meredith's mouth. "Okay, were gonna start pushing" Cara said as she helped Meredith position 

Sawyer couldn't tell you what happened next because she closed her eyes and covered her ears as her Mother's groans and occasional screams filled the room.  The sound of her Mother's voice is what caused her to open her eyes 

"Sawyer say hi to your new baby brother" Meredith cooed as she brought the baby boy closer to her precious daughter. "Hi baby" Sawyer exclaimed as happiness flooded from her tiny little body. She smiled down at the baby as her mother placed him in her arms. "Sawyer?" her mother said in a questioning tone grabbing the toddlers attention. 

"You should name him" Meredith said Cara took a cloth wiping the insane amount of sweat that was dripping from her forehead. "Colton" Sawyer responded smiling down at her baby brother

"Promise me you will protect your baby brother forever and you will never tell anyone our secret" Meredith begged her eyes getting droopy from the labor "I promise Mommy I will keep baby Colton safe, don't worry"  Sawyer said as she kissed the baby's forehead 

Cara and Meredith smiled at the exchange between the new siblings

The only ones who knew about the baby being Meredith's second child was Cara and her son Atlas. Atlas and Sawyer's friendship wasn't always the best. Meredith and Cara were best friends resulting in them pushing their children together. Atlas was 3 years older than Sawyer 

As babies the 2 were inseparable and Atlas loved Sawyer. It wasn't until he got to first grade that he decided he didn't want to hang out with a 'baby' anymore. So when Sawyer went to kindergarten and Atlas was in third grade the 2 naturally ignored each other

When Cara and Meredith hung out Atlas and Sawyer just sat on separate sides of the room playing with their own toys

Until one day these 2 girls were messing with Sawyer and making her cry. Atlas saw and ran over pushing the girl. He got in a lot of trouble but something good came out of the decision he made. A friendship. From that day on Sawyer and Atlas became inseparable again

The 2 spent their lives keeping the secret of Colton's real family. Atlas even went as far to becoming a guard in case any suspicions ever rised he would have authority

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