Chapter 46: Exorcist

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Jasper radioed yelling about how Arkadia wasn't safe and he was on his way with Clarke and Raven. Sawyer didn't understand everything going on but she tried to listen 

"Bring Lincoln back!" Sawyer heard behind her. She turned to see the Blake sibling fighting again. Octavia goes to walk out of the cave only to turn back around

"Turning Pike in does not make you one of the good guys Bellamy! You did that to save me and Sawyer. Not because you thought what Pike was doing to the grounders was wrong" Octavia yells

"The grounders were starving us out" Bellamy argues 

"Because you massacred an army that was sent to protect us" 

"That army could've attacked at any time and you know it" Sawyer rolled her eyes at Bellamy's constant ignorance to see how he was wrong 

"But they didn't attack you did that. You were hurting because of what they did to Sawyer and you lashed out cause that's what you do. There are consequences Bell, people get hurt. People die, your people. Monroe's dead, Lincoln is dead" 

Sawyer looked down as Octavia stormed out, Bellamy followed her. Peta watched as Sawyer was overthinking

"Don't blame yourself for Bellamy's actions" Peta says making everyone look at the 11 year old

"Bellamy's a big boy, he can take some accountability" Peta said speaking up for the first time 

People came running into the cave and Sawyer turned to see Bellamy running with an unconscious Raven. "Clear some space!" Clarke yelled 

"What the hell happened to her?" Atlas yelled as he laid out a blanket 

"I told you on the radio" Jasper said frustrated "Raven is not Raven anymore none of them are. Jaha's been chipping everyone" Jasper explains 

"Jasper's right I've seen it with my own eyes" Clarke says 
"I don't need your help alright!" Jasper yelled charging to the girl

Sawyer jumped in front of Jasper stopping him from attacking Clarke 

"Just take it easy and explain" Sawyer said 

"Jaha is using the chips to control people. You swallow the chip and it changes you, you forget who you are and you see this thing Alie only she's not really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. I was trying to get it out of her head, I was trying to help her but" Jasper says 

Everyone shared looks of confusion as the boy rambled 

"Ok, let's help her now did she say how?" Chris asks 

"She was working on building something, she needed one of our old wristbands but Jaha destroyed all of them" Jasper responds 

"Wait a second does it look like this?" Clarke asks as she pulls out some weird chip 

"Not exactly" Jasper says 

No one even noticed Raven wake up until she punched Sawyer in the head making her fall. Peta and Cole ran to the fallen girl while everyone else ran to get Raven

"Come on, get up" Cole grunted as they lifted the girl off the ground

"Fucking bitch" Sawyer cursed as blood dripped down her head 


Sawyer softly presses on the gas as they pull up in Niylah's trading post, a friend of Clarke and the woman Sawyer saved when looking for Clarke 

"Bellamy and I are getting out" Clarke called. Sawyer nodded and watched as the 2 jumped out the back

Sawyer jumped out of the rover landing on her good leg. She shut the door and went to the back 

"She's waking up!" Chris yelled as him and Atlas pulled Raven out of the back 

"Everyone out! Get inside" Sawyer called as she led everyone who pile out the rover. Peta and Cole lingered in grabbing their things 

"You guys are brave, I know this can be scary and hard but you guys are strong" Sawyer compliments. The kids smile before jumping out the rover Sawyer following them

Sawyer could hear Ravens screams as the group dragged her into the cabin. They walked in to see Bellamy holding a gun up to Niylah

"Let's stay out here" Sawyer said grabbing the kids who went to keep walking. Many screams came from the room, Sawyer held Peta close to her and covered her ears

Chris came out of the room, Monty and Clarke following 

"The kids can rest over there" Niylah says pointing to the corner. Sawyer gave the grounder a smile "Thank you so much" Sawyer said before leading the kids away to an empty corner 

Pillows and blankets littered the floor providing a comfortable space. Sawyer helped them pull out blankets from the packs "You guys should get some rest" Sawyer said smiling. They both nodded in agreement and Sawyer kissed their heads before standing up 

Niylah had left the cabin and Sawyer walked over to Clarke "Sorry, I had to tend to the little bugs. What's going on?"

"Niylah's Father was one of the 300 that Bellamy and Pike killed" 

Sawyer looked down and let out a sigh "but thankfully, I convinced her to help us" "good" 


"Niylah said we can work in here, so how do we do this?" Clarke asked

"I think Raven wanted to use this wristband to generate an EMP. Which is freakishly brilliant" Chris said as he lifted the wristband from the ark 

"Meaning what?" Bellamy asked confused 

"A targeted electromagnetic pulse could destroy the chips circuitry. We could use this to send an EMP along Raven's own nervous system. Just need to reverse the polarity, a wire for external input and attach of battery" Chris explains 

"But what would that do to her?" Clarke asks worried. Sawyer shook her head 

"EMPs don't affect our bodies, only electronics" Sawyer said "But I don't know the mechanics of how this chip integrates with her brain" Chris added 

"This was Raven's plan, she wouldn't do it if it would destroy her brain" Bellamy said "Depends on how bad she wanted it out" Sawyer reasoned 

"Regardless, without an electromagnet, this is just talk" Chris said shaking his head. "Where would we get one?" Clarke asked 

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