Chapter 49: Sea Travels

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Sawyer groans as she opened her eyes. Her back was aching and her leg was stiff which gave her pain

Sawyer sits up grunting as she reached down holding her leg. She looked around to see holes with sun shining through 

"Where the hell are we?" Bellamy groans making Sawyer turn to see everyone getting up 

"My sword's gone" 

"Guns too" 

Sawyer stood up looking around, she saw Peta still unconscious on the floor. "Peta" Sawyer says nervously as she dropped down next to the girl

Sawyer felt for a pulse, it was very faint. "Why isn't she waking up" Atlas asked nervously as he ran up to the girls. "I- I don't know" Sawyer stuttered 

Octavia started pounding on the crate walls. Suddenly the front doors are opened and the light shines through making everyone squint 

Sawyer used her hand to cover her eyes, she watched as a woman came in 


They recognized her from Lincoln's drawing 

"Luna" Octavia says in shock

"Where is Lincoln?" the girl asked looking around. Octavia gulped before responding "Lincoln is dead" 

Luna closed her eyes and sighed before Clarke said "Lincoln said that you would help us" "Did he?" Luna says annoyed 

"Luna, you're the last of your kind. The last nightblood" Clarke says. Sawyer could see Luna flare her nose "So Lexa is dead as well" 

"Her spirit has chosen you to become the next commander. Titus entrusted me with the flame to give to you" 

"Then he should have told you that I left my conclave swearing to never kill again" Luna says 

"You don't have to kill. To lead is your birthright, how you lead is your choice" Clarke says, she pulls out the flame and passes it to Luna "Here"

Luna pulls Clarke's hand forward and she examines the flame"I recognize the sacred symbol. But what is that?"

"This is the flame. It holds the spirits of the past commanders. Of Lexa. Will you take it and become the next commander?"

Everyone stared eagerly waiting for Luna's answer

"No" Luna answers blandly, she turns around to walk away 

"Hey! Wait!" Sawyer yells picking up Peta, Sawyer ran forward but stopped as she exited the crate they were in. Sawyer looked around in shock 

She gasped as she looked around to see they were in the middle of the ocean. They were up high making the girl nervous

"Luna!" Sawyer screams shaking out of her trans, Luna turns around glaring at the girl 

"My friend! She's still knocked out and her pulse is weak. Why?" Sawyer yelled 

"How old is she?" Luna asks 

"11!" Sawyer yelled 

"She's too small, the vial was strong. She'll wake up soon" Luna says before turning around and walking inside an entrance 


"Everywhere I looked, there were fins and teeth and blood. I knew if they saw me, I'd be next so I just floated there. Waiting, praying they'd swim off but they didn't-" 

Sawyer rolled her eyes as she listened to a woman speak. Sawyer held Peta who was still feeling the side effects of the vial

"She's here. Maybe she changed her mind" Bellamy says looking to Luna. "You guys go, I'm staying with Pea" Sawyer says. Clarke and Bellamy nod before the 2 walk off

"Someone shut this bitch up" Atlas whispered making Sawyer and Peta laugh as Atlas referred to the women who was sharing her story 

Luna brushed pass Clarke and Bellamy and walked over to the rest of the group 

"We need to talk" Luna says looking to Octavia. "That's our cue" Jasper says standing up 

"You can take her to get some food and water, it will help" Luna says looking to Peta. Sawyer nodded and stood up helping Peta 

"I feel fine" Peta says as she walks with Atlas and Sawyer on each side 

The group of 3 just walked around rather than eating or drinking. Sawyer smiled as a young girl walked over to them "My Mommy said you guys could use some drinks" the girl said smiling as she held out the platter in her hand

"Thank you" Sawyer said smiling as she reached down grabbing a cup. Atlas and Peta reached for a cup, the young girl leaned in and whispered "It's water"

The 3 laughed as she ran away "Should I even drink this?" Peta asks nervously making Atlas and Sawyer laugh

Sawyer lifted the cup and took a small sip preparing for the worse. Sawyer's face turned confused "What's wrong, does it taste bad?" Atlas asked 

"No, good" Sawyer responded as she lifted the cup taking a longer swig. Peta and Atlas followed drinking the water 

"We've got a problem" Bellamy says rushing up "What?" Sawyer asked confused "Clarke, she went off talking about how she was going to force Luna to become commander" Octavia explains 

"Is she crazy?" Atlas said loudly

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