When peter is pissed off

Start from the beginning

"hi Pete" they all said before he rode into the elevator and it went up to the common room "hey FRI where is Sam?" I asked grabbing glitter bombs from my bag "in the common room prankmaster" FRI said

"please lock all way of getting away from me cause he still has to pay for cutting my hair" I said as I returned to being pissed before we stopped at the avengers bedroom floors

I got out and quickly used my prank stuff turning his room into a pink glittery mess that also had pop-it's all over the ground among with legos but was all hidden by the glitter and the pink paint before putting a bucket of slime and a lot of other gross stuff above the door and kept it hidden before climbing out of the room via vents and went up to the common room after I did a few things to his suit and weapons

"Здравствуйте (Hello)" I said dropping down scarring half of them "привет маленький паук (hello little spider)" nat and Bucky said "bonjour farceur (hello joker)" clint said "hi nat and Bucky and hi trickster" I said before looking at the rest of them my happy mood turning into the angry faster then the flash could run

"ara sammy per què porra em vas tallar els cabells (now sammy why the fuck did you cut my hair)" I growled glaring at him making everyone back away from the already hurt Sam "uhhh I have no clue what you said" Sam said

"I asked why the fuck did you cut my hair" I growled my voice had all the voices I know laced into one but you could still understand what I was saying "RUN" everyone yelled running from the room but Sam didnt get that lucky

*next morning*

I woke up and took a shower before putting on boxers and sweatpants and a necklace that had the pansexual flag on it cause I'm pan and bandaged my shoulder and abdomen since a robber had shot me two times in each place meaning I got shot four times and someone had dyed my hair black and red not that I'm complaining

I was not to be messed with before heading down to the kitchen and grabbed food before going to the training room and starting to punch some punching bags completely destroying them as he sung among with his music that was playing before he ran out of bags a two hours later

"dang it" I muttered as I walked over to were my water bottle was and walked down to the cafe passing a tour group but I was looking down at my phone as I passed them "I wonder if peter has a body like that" a girl whispers "if he does imma die" a another girl whispers

"did you see his hair its black and red can you imagine peter with that body and hair" a gay boy said and I chuckled "well I bet their both straight sorry freaks go take your gayness somewhere else" a girl said making me stop walking and start walking towards them

"what the fuck did you just call them" I said looking up at them as I put my phone in my pocket the necklace showing as I moved my hands away but the flag was in the back so it just looked like a chain "well there gay freaks people should like the opposite gender not the same its gross and disgusting freaks" the girl next to them said

I glared at all of them except the gays, lesbians, Bi's and non-binary people in the tour group which turned out to be 8 people "Gays, lesbians, bi, and non-binary people your coming with me and teach dont even try or you will get a fist in your face and flash dont even dare" I growled before walking away

I knew the 8 people were following before going into a elevator and waited for them to get in "the special floor FRI please" I said "w-whats t-the s-spec-cial f-floor" a girl asked "dont worry you will love it" I smiled and fixed the chain so the flag was in the front "your pan?" A guy asked "YES I knew you were pan" A different girl said

"yea honestly I wasnt even trying to hide it has no one noticed my skateboard has a Pan pride flag on it" I asked and they all nodded "well figured that out but we still didnt know if you were pan or not" a guy said "everyone on the special floor is looking forward to meeting the new people and they are waiting Peter Pan" FRI said

"really why Peter Pan FRI" I groaned "cause your name is peter and your pan" FRI said chuckling before we arrived at the floor and the elevators door opened and I walked out walking at the doors to the special room since we added another set to keep haters out "ready for awesomeness" I smirked looking at them

"yea" the all said and I used my handprint to open up the doors and the all gasped as they walked inside since the room was colored in all pride flags and had stuff everywhere to do "this is the special floor where everyone that isn't straight comes to calm down, play games, cry and talk or sleep and hang out" I said before someone walked up towards the group

"hello guys come on we will show you around also my name is Alex please call me that since I am non-binary and get really mad when someone calls me a guy or girl" Alex said "got it" the group said "well Alex I have to go talk to a person then the tour group so I will come back later" I said walking out "okay bye pete" Alex said

*when peter gets to the person he has to talk to*

"Hey tony I got a question" I said walking into the lab "whats up Peter Pan" tony said before walking towards the elevator to escape "IT WAS YOU" I yelled looking at him and ran towards him but he went into the elevator and the doors closed so I hopped into the vents and climbed down to the level the elevator stopped at and dropped down moments after he came out

"welp I'm running" tony said running and I ran after him tackling him to the ground "Peter Pan you are not allowed to kill tiny shark" FRI said making everyone look at us but I didnt care "JUST LET ME HURT HIM" I yelled to the ceiling "I never said you couldnt hurt him only not kill him or permanently harm him" FRI said making me smirk as I turned back to tony "well shitcake" tony muttered

Part 2 coming soon

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now