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~*Sky's PoV*~

Chapter 46

It was so surreal... I've heard of people seeing themselves after they died, but I thought it was just a hoax. But here I am... Staring at an even paler version of me, and as I take a closer look, I see bruises and cuts all over my face and some continued below the neckline of the hospital gown. Must have been from hitting the tree and falling.

"NO! SHE ISNT DEAD! SHE CANT BE!" I heard London's muffled scream

"DONT LIE TO US!" Asher added on

Slowly I heard their voices coming closer, then the door slammed open. Nothing could've prepared me for what I saw, there stood Asher and London with blotchy faces, red eyes, and overgrown beards.

"NO!" They yelled at the same time. then London fell to his knees, which was then followed by Asher falling too.

"I'm okay! I'm right here!" I croaked out, as I ran and tried hugging them. "I'm okay...", I said cried quietly. "I'm okay..."

"She can't be dead!" Yelled Asher

WHY DID YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!" London continued.

" I'm sorry Alphas, we tried our best. But since she was in the middle of gaining power and was forced to stop, it injured not only her, but her wolf. So she wasn't able to heal as fast as she could've if it happened differently" Doctor Porter explained.

"Why moon goddess.. why couldn't I have stayed with my mates? I know I didn't want them at first... but they need me.. and I think, I think I might need them to. Please... Just let me go back to them" I cried out.

"Is that true Skylar? Do you really want to be with them?" Said an angelic and familiar voice.

"Yes! Please let me go back! I-I think I love them." I yelled, but ended up at a whisper by the end.

"That's all I wanted to hear" said the same voice.

"So I can go back?!" I exclaimed.

"On one condition!" She said calmly.

"I'll do anything!" I urged.

"Be the best Alpha female you can be. Something is going to happen. Something big, so train your packs good and hard." she finished.
(Not in that way ya little dirty minded freaks :3)
"Of course" I promised her.

"Good, now your allowed to go back" she concluded, and about that time, I started feeling tingly... Then it all went black.
"Wait,what is happening?" Doc porter said all of a sudden.

"What?!" Both London and Asher said.

"I-it looks like she is starting to breath again!" Porter continued.

"WHAT!" The twins yelled, as they sprung up to their feet, and ran over to the bed I was laying in. I then proceeded to slowly open my eyes and look at my amazing mates.

"Water" I croaked out.

"Here Alpha Cooper" doc said handing me water.

"So... whatcha guys been up to" I said with a sly grin.

"Out of all the things... you say that" Asher replied with a chuckle

"And that is why we love you sky" London said kissing my forehead, which Asher then followed eagerly.


Hey guys :D *read in creepy voice* I'm baaaack X3 so sorry I haven't written in a while, but if you guys really want me to update then I will, but until I get people saying they want more, I won't (Alayna you don't count :P)
So thank all yo beautiful faces and don't forget to...





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