Chapter Sixty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Yue, you are letting your love for him blind you."

She took a deep breath. "Am I blind or are you? I do not even know if you are in the right mindset now to listen to me share with you the whole story so you could understand why I am insistent in defending DiDi to you. If we continue on the way we are talking now, I'm afraid we could only end up fighting back and forth and not reach a resolution. You have closed your heart and mind to any argument that could belie what you hold to be true and I won't stand down on what I believe in too."

His friend didn't hear a thing.

"Didn't you ever wonder how someone like him was suddenly kind to you? Why he reached out to you to write a second book? Why –"

"DiDi is not the one who asked me to write a second book", she cut him off.

If he will insist in pursuing this conversation, then she will tell him the truth and she will make sure that he understands at least that DiDi did not look for her. He didn't even want to.

It was another person.

"Zi Wei approached me and asked me whether I would consider writing a second book", Yue watched Feiyu's eyes flicker with shock, "Also... if you think that this second book backtracks on everything that I wrote on the first, I want you to know you are wrong. The second book is exactly that! A second book! A continuation of the first but this time around, it continues Chin's story – Zi Wei's Story. How she was able to recover from her heartbreak, how it changed her, how it became a turning point for her and the man she is about to marry soon! It isn't about you or Zuer. It isn't even about DiDi. IT'S ABOUT ZI WEI, THE WOMAN YOU LEFT, AND HER STORY OF HOPE!"

She remembered that fateful day that Zi Wei walked in on her life and the words she had said to convince her to write her story.

"Zi Wei wasn't even angry about what was written in the first book. If anything, she was thankful that I wrote it and that she had the chance to read it. Did you know that she even wanted to be able to talk to you, talk to Zuer, reach out, and ask for forgiveness and then give her forgiveness as well? Feiyu... if you say that you know DiDi well, then I would assume that you know Zi Wei better and you would know how big her heart is. I will also assume that it isn't a surprise for you anymore that she did this.

You loved her once, didn't you?"

His eyes clouded over when she had explained Zi Wei's involvement.

In his own words, that was the woman who went through heaven and hell to go back to him and yet he had betrayed her.

Surely, he will realize how crazy his accusations are.

He has to.

Or else his heart would combust, burn him, and burn everyone else in his path... possibly even Zuer.


She took his hands in hers and willed him to look at her. "You and Zuer know how I was in love with Zhi Ting but how I could not do anything because my best friend loves him too. When I first heard your story... you were a hero for me, Feiyu. You had all of the cards stacked against you, but you fought for what you felt. Yes, it hurt a lot of people and yes, it caused so much chaos but you did not give up and continues to fight on. You faced everything – Zi Wei's pain, DiDi's wrath, the shame of friends and family. Everything.

And I wanted to be you.

I wanted to do the very same thing you did.


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