28. War Never Changes

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I can feel it wash over me, the heat. The force. The radiation.

The fear.

It's the end of the world all over again,

I close my eyes, I see my life before all of this. Before the bombs, everything can change in an instant and the future you plan for yourself shifts.

Whether or not you're ready.

At some point it happens to all of us,

This... was not the world I wanted. But it was the one i found myself in.

The commonwealth, my home, ripped apart and put back together.

I thought... i hoped, i could find my family. Cheat time. Make us whole again. The way we were.

But now i know,

I know i cant go back.

I know the world has changed.

The road ahead will be hard, but this time I'm ready.

Because i know war,

War never changes...


Duncan cheered as Shaun helped me carry the two stacked plates to the table,

RJ laughed and ruffled Shaun's hair as Shaun sat down to the side of MacCready,

"Soooo Mom..."

I chuckled under my breath,

"Yes shaun?"

"Did you ever find me that old alarm clock I needed?"

RJ almost choked on the sweet roll and went bright red,

"Ah oh! Dad what did you do!?"

Duncan giggled munching on a sweet roll,

"Finish before you talk hun, you dont wanna choke."

I said giving RJ a side ways grin, he just rolled his eyes playfully.

"Well I did have one Shaun but~"

I tilted my head at Mac,

"Ok look it was the dumb alarm clock or a bunch of caps!! I didnt know the clock was for Shaun!!"

He said, still red in the face.

"Dad really?"

Duncan laughed,

"Yeah yeah laugh it up."

We all chuckled at him and Shaun pointed to the far end of the table where there was only two sweet rolls left,

"Dad can you pass me a sweet roll?"

Shaun said to RJ,

both boys had wide eyes as they realised what Shaun had said,

"Ah- Haha- sorry RJ! I didnt--"

RJ just smiled and past a sweet roll to shaun,

"No problem, son."

He said, Shaun had pink cheeks as he giggled at RJ

"(Y/N) does this mean I can call you mom now?"

Duncan said and RJ and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sure, as long as I can call you son."

"Well duh!"

Duncan said finishing off the last sweet roll.

RJ and I walked around Sanctuary just before the sun set making sure everything was ok,

Preston had sent a team of Minutemen to fetch Virigls serum and gave it to him,

I got a new data update on my pip-boy from Virigl all it said was


RJ and I chuckled at the text as we headed back home,

Duncan and Shaun now shared a room and after tucking in both boys RJ and I sat on a bench outside the house,

It was past midnight as I cuddled into him,


RJ hadn't stopped smiling since dinner,

"What are you grinning about?"

I asked laying my head on his shoulder,

"Just... just Shaun calling me dad."

He said looking away to hide a blush.

"Hehe it was cute wasnt it?"

I said, just making his blush grow.

He turned giving me a kiss on the forehead and then pulling down his hat to cover his eyes,

"I love you (Y/N)."

He said,

I placed a hand on his cheek,

"I love you Robet Josheph MacCready. I love you so so much."

I gave him a long lingering kiss and he pulled back resting his forehead on mine, his hat was tilted in a funny way that made me giggle,

"So how do you feel about us?"

"I plan on walking this earth with you until the day I die. That give you an idea."

A/N: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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A/N: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

MacCready: AWWWWWWWW T////T

A/N: RJ are you... crying??

MacCready: no-no! But now ur just gonna leave me for Paladin Danse and Leon...

A/N: I love you MacCready, but you need to stay here with (Y/N)
Anyway that's all for now
Love u all my guardians

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