26. Theres a Castle

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MacCready POV

I woke up the next morning with Duncan still cuddled in my arms,

I smiled down at him and slowly got out of bed, the sun was already way up in the sky.

I walked out of my room to check on (Y/N) but she was gone,

I left the house looking around only to find Sturges,

"Sturges? Where is everyone?"

He stood up wipping at his brow,

"Didnt (Y/N) tell you? The castles under attack by the institute! Everyones off fighting to defend it!"

"She didnt tell me anything!"

I said surprised but Sturges just shrugged,

"Huh, well with you and that kid maybe she didnt wanna wake you?"

He said turning back to whatever he was doing.

I really wanted to go out and help or atleast make sure (Y/N) was ok but... I couldn't leave Duncan home alone??

And sturges was the only person here! Did I really trust him with my child??

He thinks duck tape fixes things... definantly not.

I quickly went back inside pacing around waiting...

I hope (Y/N) was ok...

Finally by that evening the Minutemen started arriving back,

Preston and (Y/N) were holding up the back,

Both of them looked terrible,


Duncan ran from my side to hug (Y/N), who smiled tierdly and crouched down to catch Duncan.

"Hey kiddo."

She said, I walked closer to the two seeing the blood dripping out of her nose and her lip was cut and swollen,

She had a black eye and was cut up all over,

She looked shaky and when she stood up with Duncan in her arms I noticed just how bad she really looked,

Like all together she looked so broken,

Preston looked just as bad,

His cheek was bleeding and his right arm looked broken,

"Hey Duncan you wanna go see if Preston needs help with his arm?"

Duncan looked over at Preston who was gently setting down his gun,

"Yeah ok!"

(Y/N) set Duncan down and he scrambled over to help Preston,

Preston looked over to me and I gave him a look that said,



"Good luck."

He just gave me a tierd smile and started talking to Duncan while wrapping up his arm.

I turned to (Y/N) who was holding her side in pain, and using her sleeve she wipped the blood pouring out of her nose,

"Why didn't you tell me this morning?"

"Heh, sorry I didnt wake you. You seemed like you were having a good sleep."

She joked but she flinched at the pain in her side,

I put my hands on her waist holding her up,

"What happened?"

She looked at me and all the sarcasm was gone,

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