11. Till Death Do Us Part

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RJ and I waved goodbye to Piper and followed Nick out the door,

He told us he would meet us at Goodneighbor as soon as he picked up a few things,

After we left Diamond City, it wasn't long before RJ and I reached Goodneighbor.

We said hello to Daisy while we waited for Nick, and after some time RJ pulled on my sleeve and pointed towards the memory den.

"I saw him walk in a few minutes ago, I think we should head in."

Waving goodbye to Daisy, RJ and I quickly shuffled into the memory den, the double door closing behind us.

"Well well, mister Valentine. I thought you had forgotten about little old me."

RJ and I turned a corner to a room with machines and a seductive woman sitting on a  plush red couch, talking to Nick who was stood in front of her.

"May have walked out on the den Irma. But I'd never walk out on you."

Nick flirted back, Irma laughed,

"Amari's done stairs you big flirt."

Nick smiled at his shoes then turned and gestured for RJ and I to follow.

He went through a corridor and down some stairs before turning right to find-

"Doctor Amari?"

Nick called,

A woman with black hair pulled back in a bun looked up from a note pad,

"Nick? ... I take it this isn't a social call."

I stepped forward,

"This one's all yours Nick..."

Nick nodded,

" we need a memory dig, Amari, but it's not gonna be easy. The perp, Kellog, is already cold on the floor."

"Are you three mad?"

She asked with wide eyes.

"Putting aside the fact that you're asking me to defile a corps, you do realize the memory simulations require intact LIVING brains to function?"

"Please. Nick told me your the only one who could make this work..."

I tried my best at puppy dog eyes and I could see RJ smirking at my attempt.

Nick came to my rescue,

"This brain had inside knowledge of the institute, Amari. The biggest scientific secret of the commonwealth. You need this and so do we..."

Doctor Amari sighed,

"Fine. I'll take a look, but no guarantees. Do you... Have it with you?"

I already assumed she was talking about the brain, or the little part that RJ had of it.

He handed it over to her and she carefully inspected it.

" what's this? This isn't a brain. This is... wait..."

She looked at it closer,

" wait, that's the hippocampus! And this thing attached to it. A neural interface?"

Nick groaned,

"Those circuits look awfully familiar."

Amari looked up at Nick,

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