24. Your Son Or Mine?

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I woke up with the morning light in my eyes,

RJ was in the kitchen eating some mutfruit,


He said, wipping his mouth with his sleeve,


I said with a smile, I slowly got up and pulled on my boots.

Then my pip-boy beeped and I looked down,

Some new data from the institute came in saying they need me to come in,

Father has an important announcement.

I sighed,

"What is it?"

Mac asked,

I shook my head,

"...they want me to come back in, apparently fath-...shaun has something he wants to discuss with everyone."

"And everyone includes you?"

"Well... I am his mother?"

I shrugged,

"...ok. I'll help Preston and Sturges here and you go see what... shaun wants."

She nodded, standing up off the couch.

"Thanks RJ."

MacCready POV

She walked over to me, leaning over my shoulder to give me a sweet kiss and with one finally pat on my back she left the house,

A bright light from outside the windows ment she had teleported and I shook my head worridly.

Helping out Preston and Sturges for the day was surprisingly much easier then I expected,

Plant a few crops, take shifts watching Sanctuary (not that it got raided) talk to some settlers and listen to them... well complain.

That was the most stressful thing I had to do all day.

"Young man, this place ain't what it used to be!"

This old lady had said, I shoved down the urge to roll my eyes,

She was human and couldn't be older then 60.

"You and that girlfriend of yours better make sure this place is liveable for an old lady such as myself."

She lay a hand on her chest,

"Ma'am if you could just-"

I took a deep breath, speaking through clenched teeth,

"Tell me what you want, I'm sure we can help."

"Oh I'm sure you can help young man. By leaving me alone!"

She said giving me a glare.

I was so close to strangling her, I gave a tight nod and walked away back to Preston.


"Shut it."

I said as I pulled my hat down over my eyed to hide my embarrassment.

Then a flash of blue came from the road,

"Oh thank heavens."

I whispered to myself,

1. Because it meant (Y/N) was back,
2. It meant I didnt have to walk around asking about the troubles and woes of old ladies.

"(Y/N)! Hey-"

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