16. Virgil's Way In

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MacCready's POV

I aimed my gun at the mutant and pulled (Y/N) behind me,

"I know you're from the Institute, so where's Kellogg? Huh? Trying to sneak up on me while you distract me? Its not going to work!"

the mutant yelled at us,

(Y/N) pushed past me and slowly raised her hands to show she meant no harm,

I still held my gun with a death grip,

"Im not stupid! I knew they'd send him after me!"

Virgil took a step back,

"We're just here to talk!"

(Y/N) said to him, he gave a suspiscious glance at me, then looked back to (Y/N),

"That so? Then talk. Fast."

he growled at us,

(Y/N) shot me a look to put my gun down, and I rolled my eyes but lowered it.

she looked at Virgil,

"Can you tell me about the Institute or not?"

she asked a little sternly,

"The Institute?"

Vigirl questioned with wide eyes, the he sneered,

"So they did send you, didnt they? You're working with Kellogg!"

She looked back at me and we shared a glance before she crossed her arms and shuffled her feet saying,

"Kellogg's been, taken care of."


Virgil asked, sounding surprised,

"He's...dead? Dont you lie to me!"

he yelled and I started getting really pissed off with this guy,

"Is it really so hard to believe I killed him?"

Virigl grunted,

"So you kiled em eh? Then what do you want with me?"

"Can you tell me anything about the Institute? I need to get in there."

(Y/N) said taking a step closer to Virigl.
he scoffed,

"Can I... Are you joking? You want to get into the Institute!? Are you insane?"

he questioned giving (Y/N) a stern look which I didnt appreciate.

"Never mind how nearly impossible that is, even if you were to succeed it'd almost certainly end up in your immediate death! What reason could you possibly have for taking that kind of risk?"

(Y/N) looked down at her shoes... her brow furrowed,

"Im trying to find my son. The Institute kidnapped him."

she looked back up at Virigl with sad eyes,

"Oh...Oh no... I had no idea. Im sorry."

Virgil gave her a sympthetic look,

"Yeah, the Institute has taken people from the Commonwealth in the past. If your son is one of them... I can understand why you'd want to get in there. I can help but... Im going to need something in return."

(Y/N) lit up when Virigl mentioned he would help her,


she said, I was going to ask what it was first but she beat me.

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