8. Fort Hagen

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MacCready and I had just got back to Diamond City and grabbed the cigarettes from Nick, who was keeping them safe for us.

RJ, had given the Priest a few caps he had to thank him, and after handing over our formal clothes we began to stock up on supplies before eventually finding our way to the front gates of Diamond City.

I nealed down in front of Dogmeat and held out the cigarette for him to sniff,

"alright boy, lets track him!"

he gave me an understanding bark and ran off, RJ and I following close behind him.

it took about half an hour and after killing about a dozon mole-rats and a yaui gai bear, we had stumbled across some bloody bodys and the fizzing head of an assultron.

"what have we here?"

I asked as i looked down at the robots head,

it buzzed and fizzed but managed to spit out,

"Error. System corrupt. I can't feel my legs."

I bent down on one knee as I came almost to eye level with the robot head,

"What happened here?"

"Error. Operator deceased. Threat level omega. He killed us."

Was the robots only reply,

I looked over my shoulder at RJ who looked at the dead bodies behind him with a serious look.

RJ turned back to me,

"We're still on the right track. Hopefully he's not much further."

He crushed a robot part that was sizzling under his boot and nudged his head towards Dogmeat, telling me to follow.

I sighed and nodded, getting off my knees to follow.

With one last look over my shoulder at the two dead humans and the still fuzzing bot, I walked away.


"Welp. I think this is it."

RJ stopped outside a place called Fort Hagen and Dogmeat seemed to agree as he sniffed the ground around the stairs.

"You sure you're ready?"

I looked around as RJ tried to catch my gaze,

There was some make-shift stairs to the roof but I set my sights on the front door.


I climbed the three steps and tried to pull open the door,

I could hear a chain rattle from the other side and quietly cursed under my breath realizing it was locked.

"Lets try that ramp."

I pointed to where I had seen the make-shift stairs/ramp and RJ nodded.

I bent down and scratched Dogmeat behind his ears.

"Ok Dogmeat, I need you to head back to Sanctuary. Don't worry I'll be back soon."

I reassured him as he sniffed my hand and licked my palm.

When I got up to follow RJ, Dogmeat let out a bark in fair well and trotted down the road.

That dog is so slick, I trusted him to get back to Sancutary more then I did any human.

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