year one: lost point days

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Neville looked shocked as he whispered. "Me?"

"Yes, you too, Mister Longbottom," she told him sternly. "Nothing gives you the right to walk around the school at night. It's very dangerous these days. Now, fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor."

The three first-year students looked at each other in disbelief. "Fifty?"

"Fifty points, each," Professor McGonagall further explained, not even a second went by before they were protesting.

"Professor, please—"

"You can't—"

Her blue eyes filled with anger as she shook her head. "You don't tell me what I can and can't do, Potter. Now get back to bed, all of you. I've never been more ashamed of Gryffindor students."

As Hope Lupin-Black turned to leave, Professor McGonagall stopped her, holding her behind. She let out a sigh. "Yes?"

"Miss Lupin, I know you've heard how the elder Mister Potter and Mister Black thought they could get away with behaving like fools in school. And you cannot," she explained to the young girl. "There are rules for a reason, and I know your father would wish for you to follow them. Best, believe me, don't become the new Sirius and James."

As Hope Lupin-Black slept on the floor of the first-year boys' dormitory, she felt baffled by how many points Professor McGonagall had taken away

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As Hope Lupin-Black slept on the floor of the first-year boys' dormitory, she felt baffled by how many points Professor McGonagall had taken away. She had never heard of anyone losing a hundred and fifty points in a single go. As Hope tried to sleep, she could hear Neville Longbottom sobbing into his pillow while Harry stared up at the ceiling.

"I just figured I'd let you know," the Lupin-Black girl spoke up from her spot. "We're gonna be hated by morning."

Harry Potter furrowed his brows in confusion, not understanding what she meant. "What do you mean?"

"You mean you don't know?" Neville managed to exclaim through his tears.

"Harry, do you not realize how many points we lost? For the entire Gryffindor house?" she asked him, trying to make him realize. "We're gonna be so behind. And trust me, the Gryffindors aren't as forgiving as the Hufflepuffs."

Neville only cried harder at Hope's words, but the Potter boy still didn't seem to grasp any of it. "But you lose points in Potions all the time."

Hope shook her head, taking a deep breath before trying to explain it again. "But that's different. That's five points here and there, there is a big difference between that and a hundred and fifty."

"It's only fifty points each," Harry assured, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm sure Fred and George have done it loads of times."

"Just you wait, Harry," sighed Hope, turning over in her bed. "You'll realize when you go to class tomorrow and hear whispering behind you."

The next morning, just as Hope Lupin-Black had predicted, everyone was talking about how the Quidditch star and the boy who lived had lost Gryffindor a hundred points. Even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs angrily whispered amongst each other, wanting Slytherin to lose. Everywhere the two first-years went, they heard whispers behind them.

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