Chapter 6: Pieces of me

Start from the beginning

I stay sitting for a couple minutes longer trying to collect my thought and emotions about what he just said.  I find Cameron in the kitchen making some coffee. He doesn't acknowledge my presence, but I know he knows I'm here. "Would it be okay if I go for a walk on the beach? Or are you afraid I might get attacked by a shark?" I spit out sarcastically, my angry still fresh, but I instantly regret it. He doesn't turn around right away, and I see him shake his head. "Ambrosia I'm sorry you're upset but I'm not going to feel bad about wanting to keep you here where you're safe." I throw my hands in the air. "Do you think just because I'm at your house he won't be able to get to me?" I shake my head. "Exactly, if you think he could get to you here, how is your work where he probably knows how to get around without being seen any better?" "Umm maybe because I work with a hundred other people who know everything that's happened." I shoot back. "He cornered you once Ambrosia, he could do it again, probably easier than before since I don't think a sick bastard like him will make the same mistakes twice. Is that what Damon would want." I take a step back in disbelief. "How dare you!" I shout. Cameron's shoulders drop as he realizes his mistake. "I'm sorry, your right." He takes a step towards me. "Don't!" I put my hands up. "I need to be alone." Before he can say anything, I walk out the back door and call max to come with me, I'm upset but I don't think he'll follow me if I have max.

 I only walked to the shore in front of Cameron's house. Sitting in the sand I throw a stick for max while letting my mind run through everything that's happened the past year. I keep thinking about how my life got to this point. If I'm truthful with myself, I am a little afraid, I don't want to be cornered again. I couldn't bring myself to tell Cameron he not only attacked me, but he assaulted me in the process. He stayed true to his promise and now he has made another. My mind wonders back to the voice message. I shudder at the thought of what might have happened to me had no one come in to help or what might have happened to me if I let my emotions lead my common sense. 

I look over at max who is now sitting beside me in the sand listening, patiently waiting until I throw his stick again. "Cameron's right max." I scratch his ears. "Damon wouldn't want me to go back to work this soon, he would want me safe, well actually more than anything he would want me safe, and I would have fought with him about it too." I look down at him. "Just don't tell Cameron I said that." I smile. Nevertheless, he had no right to bring up Damon. I grab the stick and throw it out into the water, max follows soon after to fetch it. I see storm clouds rolling in, I know I'm going to have to go back and face Cameron soon. I need to tell Cameron that Damon is a no-go subject for me, period! I call max back over; he runs up from the water soaking wet and immediately jumps on me. "Max no!" I yell, but it's too late, I'm covered in wet sand laughing. "Let's go get cleaned up." I make my way back up to the house max following close behind.

I grab a towel from the bathroom and clean max off. When I'm finished, I start upstairs to get some clean clothes on when I hear Cameron in his study. I pause on the first step and let out a long breath leaning my head back. Best to face him now then later. I think. I don't like fighting and I especially don't like prolonging a fight. I walk the familiar hall to Cameron's study. When I reach the door, I take a deep breath and knock. "Come in." I walk inside the room and find Cameron sitting at a big mahogany desk covered in paperwork and books, he sets his laptop down when he sees me. "Hi." I whisper waving my hand. "Hi." He smiles. I walk over to the edge of his desk and lean against the side. "I'm sorry." I begin. "No love." He interrupts. "I'm the one who's sorry." He stands and comes around the desk to where I'm leaning against it. I look up at him. "It was wrong of me to try to use Damon to get you to do what I want." He brushes the hair back from my face. "I promise to never do that again." I sigh in relief letting my shoulders sag. He understands without me having to say a single word. 

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