Chapter 10: I Like You Only A Little

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"Well well well," Paige sneered. "If it isn't miss I hate being the center of attention. I wonder how much a candid photo of Josh Martin's girlfriend will sell."

"You sick bi-" I began, but Shannon prevented me from charging at her.

Paige rolled her eyes. "I'm not that desperate Morgan, calm down."

"I know you want to hit her, but don't," Shan advised.

"Leave me alone Paige," I muttered.

"I thought you weren't even about that life," Macy remarked.

"It's none of your business," I told her.

"As self righteous as you were who would have thought you'd be such an attention whore," Paige laughed.

I know Shan told me not to charge at her the first time.

But I was already annoyed, and she was only making it worse.

And so this time around I did.


"You both know that kind of behavior is unacceptable on school grounds don't you?" Mr. Young, the guidance counsellor said.

Paige and I were both sitting in opposite sides of a couch in his office.

"She was the one who attacked me," she muttered, while I just sulked.

"You two can either resolve this or I take matters to the principle," he said. "Your choice."

"Would you like to tell him what made me react that way?" I asked Paige.

She rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you two friends?" he asked us.

"No," I stated harshly. "We've never been friends."

I felt Paige's eyes on me but I kept my gaze on Mr. Young.

He sighed. "So, how do you want this to go?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "I'm sorry for attacking you."

"I'm sorry for what I said," she muttered.

"No you're not," I spat.

"Girls!" he called. "You're off the hook this time, but please don't give me an opportunity to treat you like third graders again."

"Are we done here then?" Paige asked, standing up.

He sighed. "Yes, you may go."

She huffed and left the room and I picked up my purse and left as well.

Shan was waiting for me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked her.

"I'll say I had a stomach ache," she shrugged. "Are you in trouble?"

"No, not this time," I sighed.

"That's good," she said. "Now with that out of the way, thank you for doing that. Lord knows how many times I've wanted to smack that girl across the face."

I linked my arm with hers and laughed.


As expected, by the end of the day a video of me jumping Paige had spread. Hopefully this wasn't big enough to make the usual breakfast show gossip or whatever. I drove away from school and went to the park, going to sit on a familiar bench.

"Is this like our new meeting place or do you just keep following me around town?"

I turned, and immediately a smile formed on my face.

"Don't flatter yourself Aaron, I was just looking for some peace and quiet," I said.

"In that case I'll leave you to it," he smirked. "Unless you want me to stay."

I rolled my eyes and scooted over. He chuckled and came to sit down beside me.

"So," he began. "What's on the list of things that are bothering you today?"

I let out a sour chuckle. "You haven't seen the news?"

"I tend to not be invested in the kind of news that only glorifies the lives of people," he said. "Believe it or not I'd rather hear about climate change or world hunger than which Kardashian just had their baby."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Fair enough Aaron, fair enough."

"So what is it?" he asked. "Because whatever it is I guarantee I have not heard."

"I went on a date," I began. "Turns out the guy just staged a publicity stunt in asking me out. Now everyone thinks I'm his girlfriend and I'm getting unwanted attention."

"Sounds like he's an asshole," he said.

"That's what I said," I laughed.

"You're already feeling better," he pointed out.

"I guess," I agreed. "Thanks."

"Is that why you somehow enjoy my company Morgan?" he asked. "I actually make you feel better?"

I sighed. "You' the real world Aaron. You're one of the very few people that I can have a down-to-earth conversation with. You don't see me as Morgan Hall, you see me as...Morgan Hall."

He nodded. "Give me your phone."


"Just hand it over," he said.

I rolled my eyes but placed it in his palm.


I took it from him, unlocked it and gave it back.

He typed something on my screen before handing  it back to me.

"Here, anytime you need to feel better, I'm in there."

I smiled. "I knew you couldn't find me annoying forever."

"I like you only a little," he teased. "But I guess I somehow kind of maybe was wrong about you being annoying."

"Thank you, I feel so special," I joked sarcastically.

He shook his head, but I saw that he was smiling.

"So, have you asked Clarissa out yet?" I asked him, changing the topic from me.

"Jesus Christ, don't make me take back all I just said," I said, taking out his iPod.

"You haven't have you?" I laughed.

"Morgan?" he called, handing me one cord of his earphones. "Shut up and let's just enjoy some music as the sun goes down."

I chuckled and gladly accepted it, putting it in my ear.

He pressed play and I looked at him.

"Seriously though? What are you waiting for?"

"Morgan?" he called.


"Shut up and watch the pretty sunset."


Just saying, I felt a great satisfaction letting Morgan unleash her fury on Paige. How do you feel about how Morgan and Aaron's relationship is progressing? Keep being the amazing readers that you are :)!!!

- amani

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