Mom's Noodle With Sauce

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Ingredients: Raw meat, soy sauce, starch, pure peanut oil, ginger, garlic, vegetables, thin raw noodles,      

Tools: Two pot, two bowls, a metal spatula, a knife, a cutting board,   

First, cook some raw noodles for all of the people. Then, put it into a pot. 

Then, put raw meat into a bowl (any kind of meat), add starch, and soy sauce to it. Then, start a fire and put a pot over the fire. Pour pure peanut oil into the pot, make sure there is no water, and then put the meat in. Then, use your metal spatula to stir the meat until it is fried. Then, put the meat into the bowl.

Next, peel the garlic if it's not peeled, break it into pieces, and put it aside. Then, cut some of the ginger into tiny slices and put them into the pot. Then, stir it. Then, cut the vegetables, and put them into the pot along with the garlic and ginger, along with water. 

Then, scoop the vegetables into the second bowl, and make sure that there is no water in the bowl with the vegetables. Then, pour the meat in, and let it rest for a while, and the water should be boiling. Then, close the fire, and add some of the noodles in with the meat, and it will cook. Keep on doing this until all of the noodles are used, and when you're done, turn down the fire, and make sure that it's all cooked, meaning flipping it over and making sure that the noodles bend instead of snapping in two. 

Heat the second pot, (the one without the noodles) because we still have to roast them. Then, pour the water from the vegetables, because of the salt, into the first pot (the one with the noodles). Put the noodles and meat into the second pot. You may have to scoop the remaining into a pile, and hold the first pot and scrape them into the second pot. Close the lid, and let it cook for ten minutes. 

While you wait, you can wash the first pot. We will not be using that anymore. Then, put the vegetables into the second pot with the noodles, and stir it. Then, get out the noodles, and put it in bowls for the people who are going to eat it. Enjoy!                   

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