Grandma's Tomato and Egg Noodles

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Ingredients: As many tomatoes as you want, as many eggs as you want, garlic, ginger, pure peanut oil, seasoned soy sauce for seafood, and raw noodles.

Tools: A cutting board, a knife, two bowls, chopsticks, and two pots.   

First, you peel the garlic and break it into small pieces. If the garlic is already peeled, break it into small pieces. 

Then, crack the eggs into a bowl, and add a medium amount of salt, and add a bit of water. Then, stir until it is mostly all yellow, not much transparent places.

Then, take your tomatoes and slice them in half first, and cut off the parts with the brown at the top where the stem used to be. Then, cut the halves into quarters, and then put them in another bowl. 

Take your ginger, and cut a few strips of it, not all of it or else it will taste too spicy (since ginger is only a bit spicy).

Then, put your pot on the stove, and turn on the fire. Make sure that there is no water in it or else when you pour the oil in, it will explode. Pour a bit of the pure peanut oil into the pot, and then get your eggs over. Pour the eggs in carefully, do not close the fire as you are doing this, and if there is any yolk left, use drinkable water to wash it into the pot. Then, when the eggs on the side of the pot are cooked, or looks like scrambled eggs (if you don't know what that is search it up), use your metal spatula to push the sides to the middle and let the other yolk rush to the side. Keep on doing that until all of it looks like scrambled eggs, and separate them into smaller parts.

Then, put in a bit of salt in, and pour your sliced tomatoes into the pot. Then, stir it again. Put some seasoned soy sauce for seafood in, and use water to wash all of the tomato parts from the bowl into the pot. Then, let it sit for about five minutes before closing that fire. 

Then, use your second pot to put enough drinkable water in (about a little more than a half) to put noodles in, and then boil the water using fire. You know that it is boiling when there are bubbles everywhere on the surface of the water and there is steam on the bottom of the cap. When that happens, drop the raw noodles in. But before you do that, estimate how much you and/or your family is going to eat, and then drop the raw noodles in. 

When you are going to open the top, make sure to use a paper towel on the handle. It will be very hot if you do not do that. After you think the noodles are done, open the cap and give you and/or your family the noodles. Then, put in some tomatoes, eggs, and soup. Enjoy!         

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