Grandma's Breakfast: Minced Meat with Vegetables

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Ingredients: Some minced meat, if you do not have meat it is fine, vegetables will do (all ingredients can be any kind and any amount), seasoned sauce for seafood, tapioca flour, some mushrooms, some baby choy (or any vegetables you have), garlic, and ginger.

Tools: Chopsticks, one knife, a bowl, a pot, a big bowl for rinsing vegetables, and a cutting board.

Put the minced meat in a bowl, which should not have any water in it, then in the microwave for 30 seconds if the minced meat was in the bottom freezer, which it should be in.

Add a bit of seasoned soy sauce for seafood in the minced meat, and add some tapioca flour. Then, add drops of pure peanut oil to the minced meat.

Wash mushrooms and the baby choy together. For baby choy or cabbage, you break the bits, and rinse them again.

Rinse them three or two times, depending on how much water you have, then cut the mushrooms into four pieces. For baby choy, if the stem is big, cut in the middle. If it is already in separate pieces, you do not have to cut it again. For cabbage, you don't have to cut it at all.

Then, get peeled garlic or unpeeled garlic. For unpeeled garlic, peel it and then break into separate pieces. Same for peeled garlic without the peeling. Then cut the garlic into pieces. Then, cut the ginger from the side, or the top. I recommend the side, because the top can be dangerous.

Take your pot, and put it on the fire. The pot should not have any water in it, because when you put oil with water, it will explode.

Stir your minced meat, and then pour some oil into the pot. Then, raise the fire, and use a metal spatula to put in the garlic. There will be a sizzling sound, but don't be scared. It's natural.

Then, immediately add the meat, then raise the fire. After some stirring, add the mushrooms, then stir some more. Add the vegetables, and then stir some more. If there is no more oil at the bottom, add some water.

After you're done with the water put the cap on. Take the cap off, then stir it again. If the bottom is dry, put some more water in it. Then stir, and then put the cap on. If you hear a popping noise, stir, then put on the cap for at least five minutes. Then, add a bit of oil (the fire should still be on). After that, add a bit of seasoned soy sauce. If it is only vegetables, cook less. For potato slips, after you put it in the pot, it only needs three minutes of waiting. When your food is done, put it on a plate. Enjoy!                     

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