Mom's Tomato and Egg Soup

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Ingredients: As many tomatoes as you want, as many eggs as you want, salt, and black seaweed (not the snack!).  

Tools: A pot, a bowl, a knife, and a cutting board.   

First, pour some drinkable water into the pot and put it over the fire. Then, wash the tomatoes after you took off their stems. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and cut the ones with the top mark's mark off. Then, slice the tomato slices in half.  

Then, crack the eggs into the bowl, and whip them. After the water is done heating, drop in the tomatoes and add a bit of sesame oil, and add salt to the eggs. Then, turn off the fire and pour the eggs in a circle on the tomatoes, water, and salt. Then, add the seaweed and stir it. Then, pour it into bowls. Enjoy!      

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