Grandma's Corn Flour Buns

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Ingredients: Organic corn flour, and flour.  

Tools: Two cutting board, and a knife. 

If you still have a bit of dough left in you pot, good! If you don't, make some more. First, pour some organic corn flour into the pot with dough, and use your hand to peel off the dough and stir the corn flour and the dough together. Pour some hot water in it, then mix again, and make sure that there are no dough and corn flour that are not mixed together, and make sure to collect all of the extra dough on the sides and bottom. The pot's insides should be clean. Put the corn dough onto the cutting board after sprinkling flour on it first. Then, roll the dough into a circular shape, and chop it into separate pieces. Then, rub the bottom in flour before putting it all into neat rows. After baking it for ten minutes, it is done. Enjoy (P.S: If you have extra dough, keep it out for our next recipe)!   

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