Grandma's Dumplings

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Ingredients: Dough, minced meat, vegetables, salt, and pure sesame oil.  

Tools: A bowl, chopsticks, a knife, three cutting board, a pot, and a cylinder shaped wood.   

First, you put the meat into a bowl, put salt in, and chop up the vegetables. It could be rather chives or cabbage. Slice it into strips, and stir one quarter of it with the meat. Then, add the other three quarters of it without stirring. Then, put pure sesame oil in the vegetables, and stir it, then let it sit for a while. Next, stir the vegetables and meat together. 

Then, spread flour on the second cutting board, take your dough, cut and roll it into three cylinder shapes, put the other two into the pot and leave out one, and cut that one into small shapes. With every cut, roll it to the side that sticks up, and cut it. Then, rub the pieces in flour, and flatten it using your finger. Then, use your cylinder to flatten the dough completely, and roll it from left to right, top to bottom, until it's a small 2D circle. 

Then, take your third cutting board, put the bowl with the filling on it, spread the 2D circles on it, and put a pair of chopsticks into the bowl. Put the filling into the middle of the circle using the chopsticks, and close the top using your fingers. Do this twice to make sure that it's completely sealed, or else some of the filling will spill out. When you run out of the dough, take your second cylinder, and do the same thing until all of the dough is used, then use the third cylinder until there is no more dough at all. 

If you still have any dough left, use it to scrape along the inside of the bowl, and make more dumplings. If you still have more you can cut them in half and stretch them out, but not too much, to make noodles, which we will be doing soon. If you still have any filling left, store them away in the fridge, or make a bit more dough to use the rest of the filling. It's your choice!

Then, put the dumplings in a pot, put the cap on, and boil it over a fire. Then, put it on plates and eat. Enjoy! 

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