Chapter 51: Argus

Start from the beginning

Yue: Guess it worked.

Qrow: You four are a really strange bunch.

Yue: I know.

We follow the rest of the group to a trolley.

Yang: It's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be.

Ren: It's actually one of the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant.

Ruby: (gasps) No way! But wait, wouldn't it be harder to settle something this big away from the main Kingdom?

Jaune: Well, it was, until Mantle showed up. Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well.

Jaune: But colonists from Mantle were able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that Solitas couldn't provide.

Ren: The two nations worked together to create a hybrid city.

Ren: While it falls under Mistral domain, Atlas keeps a military presence here to help keep the people safe and keep trade between the two nations steady.

Nora: Well, until recently...

I continue looking at the city in amazement of all the attractions and buildings until it comes to a stop and get off.

Blake: We should probably start looking for a ship.

Oscar: (to Jaune) So, where have you guys been staying?

Jaune: Uh... (chuckles nervously)

???: There you are!

We look to see a blonde woman holding a baby boy in her hands waving at us from across the street.

Yang: Is that...?

Jaune: Hey, Saph.

After making it to Jaune's house we reconvene in the living room.

Ruby: I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions.

Nora: Oh, I can give you the rundown later!

Jaune: Will you guys knock it off?

Saphron: What? I love telling stories about my baby brother. (squeezes Jaune's cheek)

Jaune: I am not a baby! That is a baby. (points at Adrian, who huffs back at him)

I look to see Yang and Weiss staring wide eyes at Adrian.

Yang: Aww, you're so cute! Yes you are! Oh, look at your little face!

Weiss: Aww, coochie-coochie! Aw, baby! Oh my!

Adrian then points at me.

Yue: Hmm?

Saphron: Aw! He wants you to hold him.

Yue: M-Me?

He walks over to me as I carefully hold him.

Yue: Uh...

He hugs me to my surprise.

Saphron: He likes you.

I gently put him down and pat his head.

Blake: So Saphron, you're the only Arc living here?

Saphron: Yep! Moved the second I could. Jaune and I are the only two living away from home. (in a teasing voice) I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis.

Jaune: I, uh... (groans)

Saphron: (teasing) Aw, you didn't deny it!

Saphron: Everyone, this is my wife, Terra Cotta.

Ruby: Hello!

Nora: Hey there!

Blake: Nice to meet you.

Terra: (chuckles) Why, hello there! Wow, quite a party, you weren't kidding. Hun, can I get some help please?

I walk over and help her with the bags with Jaune and Ren.


Since Saphron is allowing us to stay I lay down on a bed and split from Y/N to see that she's still resting peacefully.

Yue: Please wake up soon.

I head downstairs to join the others to see them eating sandwiches.

Weiss: And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?

Saphron: Of course, we're happy to house Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Terra: You all risk so much to keep people like us safe. It's the least we can do. (turning to Qrow) Especially for such an elite Huntsman like yourself.

Terra: Although, I will say I was surprised to learn you had students helping you. Is that even... legal?

Qrow: Uh, of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me, I was a professor.

Qrow: Even went to the same academy as them. Let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age.

I look to see Jaune, Ren and Nora walk back into the room with plates full of sandwiches.

Qrow: Well, not better than me specifically, but a lot of students--

Ruby: Shut up, there's food!

I look at the sandwich before grabbing it and taking a bite.

Yue: (Wow...this is really yummy)

I break it in half to save it for Y/N to eat.

Suddenly Terra's scroll starts ringing.

Terra: (sighs) Excuse me, I'll be right back. (answers her Scroll and walks out of the room) Hello?

Blake: Is everything okay?

Saphron: Oh, yeah, it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately, the military's radar system is also housed there.

Saphron: (making baby talk at Adrian) Guess what's been on the fritz lately and who's getting falsely blamed.

Terra: (peeking back into the room) Me.

Saphron: So, what's your plan for tomorrow?

Ruby: Well... (takes a gulp) We're trying to make our way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the military base.

Jaune: (nervously) So, we kind of already tried that, and... it didn't go... super great.

Yang: Come on, it couldn't be that bad...

Next Day~

The gates to the military close without us even getting a word in.

Yue: Well that could've gone better.

Chapter End

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