I have no clue what to call this

Start from the beginning

      "We should get working. Hey, while we're at it we can plan my funeral!" I said jokingly. Luke just glared. I tried not to laugh how he was more rattled by my predicted death than I was... well at least that's what I kept telling myself. "Too soon?"

      "Make another joke and I might kill you before Kronos does."

     "Okay... stealer of godly toys."

      "Percy!" He screamed and lashed out at me but I ran away. "Get back here now! Or else I will tell Chaos to band you from blue food!"


I stared out across the lake taking a deep breath. Too many memories at once. They swirled around my thoughts, a new scene catching my attention with every second. I closed my eyes to clear my head. Is this how you heal? Put up with the pain until you learn to live with it? Good and and bad memories, is there any difference? They both hurt. Will I ever get an escape?

What am I even saying? I didn't choose to be a demigod. I didn't want this life of constantly running. Why me? Why any of us? We were just kids. We never got the chance to grow up normal and this is where it gets us? I'm freaking twenty-two and I don't have a house, a job. I never finished high school. I ran away when I was eighteen. I was eighteen and I'd almost died dozens of times. Eighteen and already broken, is that fair? Is that what we get for protecting everyone?

I shake my head. My thoughts wandered to this morning at breakfast, what Ethan said. You can save the world a dozen times but it doesn't change who you are. They left you didn't they? That's why you left, isn't it? It's because you'll always be that boy who gets expelled from every school you go to. You'll always be that boy who wasn't good enough for his father to stick around. You'll always be that kid who got bullied. You'll always be the guy who just sits in the background. You had your glory for a little while but you'll always go back to being that guy. We are all broken, your just weak enough to show it. You're a disgrace. You sulk around and can't even go a day without crying. Stop trying to get them to love you, Jackson. You're broken, learn to live with it.

A tear slid down my face. Annabeth told me not to believe them but she doesn't know me, not anymore at least. Ethan was right, I'm broken. I'm a coward, I'm alone, I'm just... Percy. My moms tears cane to my mind. The way she cried every time we had to pick a new school because I was kicked out of the last. Her tired eyes that were always filled with stress and worry. I was a failure, I've known it for years.

I let my tear drop off my chin in the water. I don't know why I started crying. I came here, I sat down and I just let the emotions flood in. I saw a faint glow shine through my closed eyes. When I opened them I was greeted by a tall man dressed in a Hawaiian t-shirt and brown cargo shorts. His beard was black and cut short to match his tamed black hair. His eyes were a wild blue, like the scales of a fish.

"Percy," Poseidon knelt down next to me. "What's wrong."

"Just life Dad." I grumbled. Of course he came, my tear fell into his ocean. He went to hug me but I shrugged him off.

"Stop, please."


"Dad, I don't need your support." He wouldn't stop he just kept trying to comfort me. I know I was being harsh but I really wasn't in the mood. He put a hand on my shoulder but I swatted it away tears in my eyes.

"Stop! Why won't you just leave me alone! You've did a pretty darn good job doing that before!" His eyes widened at what I said. He deserved to hear that. After all these years... he needed to hear it. "You left Mom and I! Even after you claimed me you still were never there. The past five years you've done nothing to look for me! When I asked for your help before you were never there! How do I know you even care!"

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