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Jinyoung was like his best friend and everything else. He adored the younger, so much.

He was the ice to Jackson's fire, always being able to get a hold of him whenever he got too energetic or calming him down when he was furious.

The younger took care of him when he had hurt himself and cuddled him when he couldn't sleep. Jinyoung was always watching others he realized. Looking after them, making sure they were alright.

And the male did the same thing to his siblings also. He can imagine how lucky the twins were to have Jinyoung as their older brother.

He didn't know what to do if there wasn't a Jinyoung in his life. After all, his Jirongie was too love able and cute.

Jackson couldn't live without Park Jinyoung.

He inhaled the breeze, smiling as he watched the stars.

Jinyoung was laying beside him, the two of them sprawled out across the grass. He was pretty sure their bodies were tightly entangled cuz he didn't know who's leg were who's.

A smile formed on his lips as Jinyoung let out a soft breath, eyes focusing on a bright star in the distance.

"Jirongie..." The younger hummed, turning to face him.

Jackson felt his breath get caught in his throat because damn, Jinyoung looked so beautiful like this. The brown messy hair splayed across his face as he smiled softly, clothes messy and eyes glassy. Warm, chocolate glassy eyes.

He loved those eyes.

So there, under the moon, Jackson kissed the love of his life.

Jinyoung laughed as they pulled apart, soft I love you's were whispered between the two lovers as they held each other tightly.

He would never let Jinyoung go of his embrace.

The younger tapped with his pen, showing Jackson what to do.

He felt grateful the younger decided to help him with class, he doubted he could make it otherwise. Jinyoung always insisted on them to have good grades to be successful.

Those moments he loved to just wrap his arms around Jinyoung and make him forget about studying. Not time for that now, apparently.

Jackson really didn't want to get hit with a spatula so he did as Jinyoung told him.

Halfway through, he started to get really bored. Finding Jinyoung's lips as a perfect distraction, he pulled a yelping Jinyoung into his lap.

The younger squirmed and scolded him but was interrupted as Jackson kissed him.

Jinyoung tasted like vanilla, sweet and addicting. The younger melted against his grip and Jackson smirked.

He knew just how to push those buttons.

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