Chapter 15

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WARNING!!! IF ANY SELF HARM WOULD AFFECT YOU, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER! Also, if you are self harming, I would like for you to know that I am here for you, I care, and things WILL get better!!

*skip ahead a couple of weeks*

Luke's POV

I woke up because of the light shining through the window into my eyes. I turned my head over to look at Callie. She looked so peaceful sleeping, like an angel. Well she always looks like an angel, but you know what I mean. "Callie, wake up sweet heart" I whisper. Nothing. Her lips where in perfect view, i knew what would wake her up. I kissed her softly, and she started to kiss back. I pulled away. "Good morning beautiful" I say with a smile. "Good morning" she says with her morning sleepy voice. "Are you ready to leave for tour today?" I ask. "Yeah! I cant wait to get out of this town and see the world!" She hopped out of my bed and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. "You dont have to put any makeup on, or anything. You look beautiful without it, plus we are going to be on a plane pretty much all day." I say while walking into the bathroom and wrapping my arms around her waist, standing behind her and resting my chin on her shoulder. "Where are we going first?" She asks. "LA" "OH EM GEE!!!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE!!!" She screams a little too loudly causing me to jump back and rub my ear which she screamed in. "Sorry" she giggled. "I'm just going to change into something a little more presentable than pj's but still comfortable" she says as she walked out of the bathroom and back into my room, well I should say our room since she moved into mine. I walked out and sat on the bed without her even hearing me. She was going through her part of the closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants which she stole from me, and a long sleeve shirt. She pulled her shirt over her head and grabbed her long sleeve shirt and pulled it over her head and situating it to where it fit perfectly, hanging off one shoulder. Then she slipped her pajama shorts off her hips as they fell to the floor, her stepping out of them and grabbing the sweatpants, doing the same as the shorts only putting them on this time. I walked over to her, and hugged her from behind, like I did only a couple of minutes before. "Why must you look so good?" I asked in a whisper. "LUCAS WHEN DID YOU GET HERE! DID YOU SEE ME CHANGE!?" she asked a little scared. "Yeah, you're beautiful. But I would like to know something." I say. "Okay what?" I lifted up her shirt a little so that I could see her side. "What are these?" I asked, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Scars" she gluped, her voice shaking. "w-when did you d-do this?" I ask. "A couple days ago." "wh-why?" I asked crying. "I thought about Cody, my mom, my friends just leaving me. It helped with the pain." She then pulled her shirt back down. "no- n-no I wanna see them" I say while lifting her shirt up slightly so that I could see her scars. I was crying uncontrollably, why didnt she tell me? I could have helped her. I got down on my knees and kissed each scar. "promise me you'll never do this again." "I-I promise." 


kind of a filler! the end was so hard for me to write!

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