Chapter 20

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Ashton’s POV

She opened the door for me and I walked in, giving Luke the look as if to let me go in by myself and talk to her and for him not to listen. He nodded and walked over to the bed. I walked into the bathroom to see Callie sitting in the floor, hands covering her face while crying.

“Hey whats wrong?”

She didn’t answer

“You can tell me Callie” I say, reassuring her.

She uncovers her face and looks up at me with sad eyes. She moves her finger as if telling me to come closer.

As I got closer to her she whispered to me “the reason I tell Luke that I’m not ready all the time is because when I was 12, I was r-raped.” She pulled away from whispering to me. “I can’t get the emory out of my head every time we get close Ashton. I don’t know what to do. Please help me!” She cried out.

“I’ll help you okay. We all will”

“No I don’t want anyone else to know. I trust all of you, and I especially don’t want Luke to think that I don’t trust him, because I do but I’m just not ready to tell him yet. Please don’t tell anyone? I’ll tell them when I’m ready, just help me, please.”

“Okay. I’ll tell Luke that I want a day each week from a certain time to another certain time to talk to you, you know to make sure everything is okay, and during those times I’ll take you to a therapist and we can get you help. Good?”

“I guess.”

“Great. Now we just need to pretend that you didn’t tell me anything, okay?”


I hugged her and left.

Callie’s POV

It felt really good to tell somebody although I haven’t told Luke yet. After Ashton left, I stayed in the bathroom for a couple of minutes and listened. 

“Luke, I promise you, she didn’t tell me what was wrong”

“Okay. I’m just really worried about her.”

“I am too. But hey listen,  could I have Callie a day each week from 9 am to 12 noon, so you know we could talk and I would be able to make sure everything was okay?”

“Yeah sure, as long as you promise not to try anything.”

“I promise”

“Okay good. I just want the best for her.”


The next day

Ashton came over to our hotel room, and told Luke that today was the day of the week that he would have me from 9 to 12. Once we left the hotel, Ashton told me that we were going to see Dr. Adkins, my new therapist. He called and made the appointment last night. I'm nervous, not gonna lie. I’ve only told Ashton about what has happened in my past, and to be honest I wasn’t really even comfortable telling him about it, but he would never know that I’d make sure of it. He always made me feel like I could tell him everything and he wouldn't judge me.

We only had to walk a couple blocks before we got to the building. When you walked in, it looked like a normal doctors office, a place where you would sign in, and a bunch of seats to sit and wait in. I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. As soon as we took a seat, I started shaking. This was real, this was really happening.

“Ash, I don’t think I can d-do this.”

“Sure you can. You told me about it, you can tell him. He will be able to help you more than I could.”

“Yeah, but I know you, I don’t know him. I’m terrified that he will judge me.”

“Callie, he’s a therapist. I’m sure people have come to him for much worse things. Everything will be okay. I promise”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay. How did you know about this place?”

“Well, back before the whole band thing started, I cut. I called Dr. Adkins for help. He helped me through it, and also after we started the band, the fans helped. They’re the main reason I stopped.”

“So you know him?”

“Yes, and he’s great. Although I have never met him in person, I know that he will be able to help you.”

In between our conversation, someone called my name. “Come with me?” I asked Ashton. “Of course” he said with a smile and went back to the room with me. “Dr. Adkins will be in a just a minute” the girl, who looked about in her twenties, said and walked out the door.

I sat down in the comfortable chair, for the patient, while Ashton sat in front of me against the wall in a chair that didn’t look comfortable.

Soon there was a slight knock on the door, and then it opened, revealing a very handsome man, probably around twenty-five. “Hello, I’m Dr. Adkins” He said while shaking my hand and Ashton’s. “Hello Ashton, nice to finally meet you!” He said. “It’s very nice to finally meet you too!”

They had a short conversation about how Ashton had been doing before asking about me. 

“Oh, no Dr. Adkins , she isn’t my girlfriend. Infact, she’s my best friends girlfriend.”

“Not trying to sound rude, but why didn’t he bring her?”

“I didn’t feel comfortable telling him yet. Ashton makes me feel like I can tell him anything.” I spoke up.

“Oh, well great. It’s good to have someone in your life who can make you feel that way, wheather it be your significant other, or just a friend!” He said a little too cheerfully.


Okay, so the next chapter will be all about Callie talking to Dr. Adkins! 

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