Chapter 12

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I ignored him, completley ignored him for the rest of the night. Everytime he would touch my arm I would pull it away. I wasnt going to let him get away with yelling at me like that.
Luke's POV
Oh so I guess she's just going to ignore me now. Okay. Well I guess I'll just go hang out with the guys. I walked downstairs to where the guys were. "Callie still ignoring you?" Ashton asked. I sighed, "yeah sadly. Anyways do you all want to hang out, you know like we used to before we got around?" I asked. "Yeah sure! Let's go!" Calum said and we walked out the door.
Callie's POV
*a few hours later*
I walked downstairs after having a nap to notice all the guys were gone. Looks like I get to watch netflix! Win! I popped some popcorn and took it into the living room, and sat on the couch. I turned the tv onto Netflix and decided to watch Once Upon A Time, since I haven't watched it lately. I watched that for a few more hours until the guys were home. I looked at my phone and it was 9 pm. They opened the door, all laughing not even noticing I was there until they actually came to set down. "Oh look who's came out of her room" Michael said. "Are you going to talk to me yet Callie?" I hear Luke ask. I get up without saying a word and walk upstairs. Before I got to my room I hear Luke say that he didn't understand why I was ignoring him, he didn't even know what he did. He's so stupid. I just laughed and shook my head. Even though I was mad at him, I walked into his room and grabbed one of his shirts. I love wearing his shirts, I always have and I don't think that will ever change.
As I was walking out of his room, he was walking in. 'Great' I thought to myself. I shoved past him only to have him grab my arm and pull me back into his room. "Listen Callie, tell me what I did. Why are you ignoring me?" He asked. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Wow we've only really been in a relationship for 2 days and your already getting a fight going." He said. I finally said something. "Okay for one, we're not in no relationship! You never even asked me to be your girlfriend, and two the reason I haven't been talking to you is because you yelled at me again. Whenever I called you, and you came and stayed with me you told me you would never treat me like Cody did, he yelled at me all the time but I stayed with him because I loved him." I now had tears running down my face. "Oh so you don't call getting matching tattoos, kissing, and calling each other babe and baby a relationship?" He said raising his voice. "There you go again about to yell at me for something I didn't even do. And no I don't call that a relationship. An almost relationship maybe. To me a relationship is when the guy asks the girl to be his girlfriend, which you haven't done" I say getting angrier by the second. "And yes I told you I would never treat you like Cody did, because he's stupid and doesn't deserve you. " he says. "No Luke. You're stupid." I say and walk away and into my room. I shut the door and slid down to the floor not even making it to the bed. I hear a knock on my door. "Can I come in?" I hear Ashton ask. I got up and opened the door. I walked over to my bed with Ashton following me. He sat down on my bed beside me and didn't say anything for a couple minutes. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. After a couple of minutes he turned to look at me. "You okay?" He asked. "No. Not really." I say trying to fight back even more tears. He gave me a hug and said it was okay, to let it all out so I did. I cried and cried and cried. I eventually cried myself to sleep, and woke up with Luke beside me. I wasn't in my room anymore, I was in his. I don't remember coming in here, what time is it anyway? I turned over and looked at his clock. 12:00 am it read. I wanted to go back to my room but I was too wore out from crying so much that I ended up staying where I was and falling back asleep.
Luke's POV
What she said really hurt me. Was I starting to treat her like Cody? She was right about the whole relationship thing though, I hadn't asked her to be my girlfriend yet. A few minutes after she left my room, Calum came in. "Dude, what was all that about? We could hear you downstairs." "Nothing. Just a stupid fight" I say. We talked for about an hour over what had happened between Callie and I, when Ashton came in. "She's asleep." He said. I saw his shirt was soaked. He noticed me looking at it "Callie's tears. You really hurt her dude." "I know. I didn't even mean to" I say while putting my head in my hands. "Well we're gonna leave you alone, to think." Calum says while getting up and walking away with Ashton. I thought for a little bit and ended up writing a song.
"I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the day light,
I'm right here. When you gonna realize
That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?" I sang while strumming my guitar.
When I was tired I decided to go into Callie's room.
I walked in quietly in case she was still sleeping, which she was. Her beautiful face covered with tear stains, her eyes swollen, her breathing heavy. Poor thing, I didn't mean to do this to her. Even sleeping, you could see the hurt on her face. I feel so guilty. I gently picked her up, trying not to wake her and carried her into my room, and laid her in my bed. I took off my shirt and pants, changing into a pair if sweatpants and climbing into bed, my back facing Callie. Just knowing that she is here, beside me makes me feel better even though I know she's hurting because of me. I eventually fell into a deep sleep.
Aww poor Callie. She just got over Cody, only to have her heart broken again by Luke. Do you think Luke will fix things?

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