Human Realm

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Gilgamesh's eyes snapped open, and he gasped for air as if he had been drowning. He sat up, flailing his arms at the phantoms that were trying to push him under, then blinked a few times as his mind slowly registered where he was: sitting in his bed with its soft white sheets, surrounded by the polished black stone walls of Uruk, capital city of Babylon.

"Damn it," Gilgamesh whispered. "The same dream again."

He rubbed his hands over his face and felt the stubble on his chin. His head hurt from too much wine, and there was a sticky sweetness in the back of his throat.

Gilgamesh threw off the sheet and swung his legs over the side of the bed. The floor was cold beneath his bare feet; Uruk was always cold at night. It was midsummer now, but winters here were frigid, and summers barely better.

But Gilgamesh didn't miss living anywhere else. Uruk was his home. It was the most glorious city in all of Sumer-maybe even in the world. Its gleaming black walls enclosed temples, gardens, workshops, and palaces. It was ruled by laws Gilgamesh himself had made. Everyone who lived inside its mighty defenses could sleep soundly at night, knowing they were safe from bandits and invaders. Uruk was a place of prosperity, learning, and peace. Gilgamesh loved his city more than anything.

Almost anything.

Gilgamesh stood and padded across his bedroom to the large window that overlooked the city. It was still dark outside, and Uruk lay quiet beneath him. He could see only a few dim lights flickering through the narrow windows of the houses. Most of his citizens were still asleep. Gilgamesh knew he should go back to bed, too, but after those dreams he never could. He leaned against the window frame and gazed out over his sleeping city, remembering what had happened just yesterday...

Yesterday, Gilgamesh had been standing on the top step of the Temple of Ishtar, facing the crowd gathered in the temple courtyard. They were all waiting for him to speak, so he cleared his throat and began.

"My friends and subjects!" he said. "I have called you here today to celebrate an important event. Yesterday we finally managed to find the whereabouts of the dominion ruler, the divine being who will help our dragon realm to finally end the war between our dragon race and those devilish humans."

The crowd cheered loudly. Gilgamesh raised his hand for silence, and they settled down to listen.

"As some of you may know, this dominion ruler is hidden in the human realm," Gilgamesh continued. "And I know that many of you are worried about what this means for me your king. I'll be forced to abandon our beloved Uruk, leave behind my duties and responsibilities, and travel into the human realm in search of this dominion ruler. This will make everyone in Uruk vulnerable while I am gone. But fear not! I will not abandon my people. I have appointed Enkidu, my right-hand man and dear friend, to rule in my absence until I return."

The crowd clapped politely. They didn't look very happy, but Gilgamesh couldn't blame them for that. None of his people wanted their king to leave Uruk. Still, he needed to find the dominion ruler, and this was the only way he could do it.

Enkidu stepped forward and bowed to Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh returned the bow, then placed both his hands on Enkidu's shoulders.

"Enkidu," he said loudly, so the crowd could hear him. "You have been my friend since some years. We've fought together, built Uruk together, and ruled it together. I trust no one more than I trust you. Will you accept the responsibility of ruling Uruk while I am away?"

Enkidu smiled and nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. It would be an honor."

Gilgamesh grinned at him. Then he took Enkidu's hand lifting it up to the air.

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