Joshua: "Okay - - - "


V  managed to climb up at window where he first met her. The angel with fake wings.

His feet landed on the floor. And there stood the lady with  judging eyes gazing at him from the other side of the room.

Angel Grace: "What the hell?"

V smirked as he saw Angel Grace much confused as to why she just saw him climbing up the window of her room.

V: "Well I guess it's safe to say that I just ascended to the Heavens."  He laughed.

Angel Grace sighed in disbelief. Still couldn't digest what was happening.

V: "I'm here to apologize."

Angel Grace raised an eyebrow. It was very unlikely of V to do such a disgraceful act on his behalf. 

Angel Grace: "Are you on drugs?"

V knitted his eyebrows and threw himself to her bed. 

V: "NO."

Angel Grace crossed her arms. Annoyed by how V barged inside his room.

Angel Grace: "You ASCEND up here without my consent and here you are  . . . ."

V: "Yep . . . apologizing." 

Angel Grace: "You are so annoying." 

She looked at him with disbelief. 

V  stood and slowly approached Angel Grace.

V: "I . . I'm sorry."

Angel Grace laughed. But then she noticed the way V looked at her in the eye. By then she was wondering whether he was truly sincere or jut making an act.

Angel Grace: "Have you . . .  finally became a human?" 

V was surprised. 

V: "Became a human?"

Speculating to himself the meaning of her words. 

For the entirety of his presence with her, she never actually believed the kind of entity he truly was. 

Angel Grace: "Okay . . I forgive you."

V smiled. Although he didn't know why the response of her words had to be a smile.

Angel Grace: "I don't exactly understand you, Morningstar. But I'm also sorry for calling you a monster."

She looked away from him. But V didn't leave his eyes on her.

Then he moved forward still looking at her . . reaching his hand . . .

Angel Grace: "What are you doing?"

She felt nervous.

But V smirked and shook his head.

V: "Reaching for the door knob. It's time to go out from the Heavens."

Angel Grace rolled her eyes as she move aside to give him the way.

V: "Well unless you want me to DESCEND that way going back to HELL."  He pointed the window.

V expected her to get annoyed and return words he assumed her to speak. But she didn't.

Angel Grace: "No."

She shook her head, he was confused.

Angel Grace: "You don't belong there."

Then she opened the door for him.

V looked at her before leaving. 

Is asking forgiveness and forgiving . . . that easy?

Or had it become easier when arrogance is out of sight?

V: "Thank you, Heavens."



Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter :( 

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