Chapter 9: Sorry For Calling You An Asshole

Start from the beginning

I turned.

"I don't think we've met," he said to Shannon.

She extended her arm for a handshake. "I'm Shannon, Morgan's beautiful and wise best friend."

"I don't question that," Josh chuckled as he shook her hand.

He turned to me. "So um..."

Shan took the hint. "I'll be over there."

I chuckled as she walked away.

"I wanted to say good job today. Working with you is surprisingly easy," Josh told me.

"Surprisingly?" I questioned.

"Hey, you didn't exactly give me the idea that you were into it at first," he defended.

I shrugged. "Fair enough."

"So about that date," he continued.

I nodded. "Right."

"Chez Royale? I'll pick you up at eight," he said.

"That sounds fine," I told him. "But don't worry, I'll just meet you there."

He smirked. "Fair enough. I'll see you tonight Morgan."

"Hey!" I called after him as he began to walk away.

He turned.

"Sorry for calling you an asshole," I said.

He looked confused. "You never called me an asshole."

I shrugged. "I definitely thought it."

He chuckled. "All is forgiven then Morgan."

He left and I went into the trailer to find Shannon.

"What happened?" she asked me.

"I'm going on a date with Josh Martin tonight," I said.

"Good thing or bad thing?" she asked me. "Because I think it's phenomenal."

I sighed. "I guess we'll find out won't we?"


I drove myself to the restaurant that evening, wearing a red strapless yet simple dress.

"Thank you," I said as the valet took my key.

I made my way to the restaurant. "Table for two under Martin?"

"Right this way Miss Hall," the attendant said before leading me to the table.

"Thank you," I said as he left.

"You look hot," Josh said.

"You're gong to need to find more adjectives than hot Josh," I said.

"Damn, just take the compliment," he chuckled.

"Well thank you," I said anyway. "You don't look too bad yourself."

He was wearing a dark gray button up shirt.

"Thank you," he said slowly. "That's how take a compliment."

"Whatever," I said.

He chuckled. "Can I pour you a drink?"

I looked at the bottle sitting on the table. "You're not twenty-one. How did you get the staff to serve you wine?"

He shrugged. "Being Josh Martin has its perks."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Well thanks, but no thanks," I declined. "I'm driving myself home."

"Well I've got my chauffeur for the night," he chuckled as he poured himself a glass.

I just ordered water to drink with my lobster.

"So why do you want to get to know me so badly?" I asked him.

"You're interesting," he simply replied.


He nodded. "You play hard to get, I like that."

It's not called playing hard to get if I wasn't genuinely interested at first.

"I see," I said.

"What about me?" he asked. "Why did you agree?"

I shrugged. "Because admittedly I was wrong to misjudge you. Everyone deserves a chance to show who they really are."

"And so far  who do you think I am?" he asked.

I sighed. "I think you're full of yourself, but when you want to you can be a nice guy."

He laughed. "Fair observation I guess."

I chuckled and dived back into my meal.

When we were done he escorted me out. When we got to the entrance of the hotel all I saw were flashing lights on the outside of the front door.

"How are there so many of them?" I asked.

"Who cares, just give them what they want," Josh said, smiling for them.

"Do you think someone tipped them off?" I asked him.

"Of course they did," he chuckled. "It's what I asked them to do."


"Oh come on Morgan," he said, kissing me on the cheek so they went crazy. "A heartthrob like me plus the daughter of a fashion royal and mega mogul? We'll blow up."

I pushed him away. "Are you fucking kidding me? This was all a publicity stunt to you?"


"Fuck off Martin," I said and stepped outside.

As expected I was immediately surrounded by the photographers.

"Morgan, is it true you're the face of your mother's brand?"

"Are you and Josh Martin an item?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"Are you considering a career in fashion?"

"When do you think Jean is dropping that album?"

"Are you in love with Josh?"

I ignored all the questions and quickened my pace, being careful not to trip in the heels I was wearing. I waited for the valet to bring my car around, still ignoring the paps. I got in without hesitation and drove straight home. I was fuming. How could he? That's why I hated this life sometimes. It was just full of fake people who liked to do anything and everything for attention. And here I thought he might actually be sincere.

I kicked off my heels when I got into my room and sat on my bed, tears f anger, frustration and utter humiliation flowing down my cheeks.

I sighed, wiping my face with my palms and falling back onto my bed, realizing I couldn't talk to the first person that popped into my mind.

"I'd really appreciate another conversation Aaron," I said, staring at the ceiling.

I guess I was right after all.

Josh Martin, asshole.


Did you guys think Josh was a good guy? Do you think he'd eventually end up being one? I miss Aaron though ;).

Sorry I took long to update, I've been crazy busy lately. Nevertheless, here you are :)! Please leave honest comments, I'd appreciate that.

- amani

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