- It's time, my love. The boat is waiting for us.

"But," Defne objected perplexedly, "I did not manage to collect all our things.

"Leave them," Omer pulled her hand. - They will collect everything and deliver it home. Do not think about it.

Defne did not argue. She dutifully followed her husband. And only on the threshold stopped and looked around. Inside this room was the happiest night of her life. A night that carried away all fears and doubts. The night that gave her the seventh heaven. She looked at her left hand and shook her head. It doesn't matter! Omer knows what he's doing. If he does not want his mom's ring back on her finger, then so it should be. The main thing is that he loves her. The rest doesn't matter.

Istanbul met a young family with rain. It started suddenly when the boat was already moored to the pier. The sea from blue and tender in an instant turned into gray. Large drops hit the billowing waves and large bubbles appeared at the site of the impact.

"To bad weather," Defne recalled grandmother's words and smiled. Even if there are falling stones from the sky, she doesn't care. She is happy!

Sukru, with a big umbrella in his hands, was waiting for them on the pier. Seeing the boss and his wife, he immediately rushed to cover them, but still, Omer and Defne, while getting out of the boat, managed to get pretty wet. In the car, Omer hugged his wife by the shoulders and ordered the driver to turn on the heating and drive quickly.

- Defne is wet. God forbid to get cold, - he added alarmed, to which Defne herself only laughed and whispered a reminder in his ear - illness does not cling to happy people. Omer broke into a smile and kissed her temple. But at home, barely crossing the threshold, he grabbed her in his arms and carried her into the shower, under hot water. In less than ten minutes, not only the water became hot in the bathroom...

And then Omer lighted the fireplace in the living room and sat Defne, dressed in one silk shirt, on a spread fluffy rug. He dried her hair, passed it through his fingers, combed and kissed each curl. When they dried up and turned into fire silk, for a long time he fingered them and admired the reflection of the fire in the wavy curls, touched them with his cheek and enjoy their tenderness. But Defne thought - she went to heaven, where it is warm and calm. Where gentle hands and lips give bliss. Where the fire does not burn. Where ice cream is sweet, like nectar, and wine is strong and heady. A paradise where tenderness burns in dark eyes. Where you can touch the love with your fingertips, breathe deeply, taste it. And even a gloomy, bachelor's house today was favorable toward her, albeit with arrogant cordiality. Defne for the first time did not feel here as an intruder of the order and style. What did Omer say? He laughed infectiously, like a boy, and invited her to describe the house of her dreams. She laid her head on his lap and fulfilled his request with a touching smile.

- It should be spacious and bright. With high ceilings and huge windows. And so that the floors are not cold stone, but a warm tree. Тhe kitchen should be large and comfortable. Such, where there is enough room for everyone ..., - Omer smiled and removed a lock of hair from her forehead. He listened, memorizing every word. And Defne continued to voice her dreams: - I want a fireplace in the living room, and front of it are two rocking chairs, covered with checkered rugs. And so that the room has floor-to-ceiling windows, light curtains, lots of soft sofas and flowers.

- And our bedroom? Omer asked hoarsely.

Impatient fingers stroking her face, neck, collarbone. Long, beautifully shaped, they easily touched porcelain skin. His, not covered by clothes, strong chest was heaving rhythmically and high. Defne stroked it and, raising a mocking eyebrow, replied:

"The main thing is to have a large bed," Omer threw back his head and laughed briskly. And Defne again returned to a dreamy tone: - Well, still the walls not to be gloomy, airy curtains, a large balcony hung with flowers.

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