4. Stealing From the Elder

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☁︎ ︎Brooklyn Jasiah Ali ☁︎︎

Grace got in the driver seat as I got in the front, Noah got in the back, and Trenten got in next to him.

I honestly don't know why he was on my front porch as we was coming out side, he asked to come, us being the nice people, here he is....

We finna go on are weekly trip to the grocery shop at Kroger, it's been kinda hectic as I done seen on twitter.

But oh well.

Grace started the car, and I rolled the window down, 'cause it's hot as a bitch on this here dear morning for some reason. I'm not scared to catch the Corona bitch, because I throw hands.

My immune system weak... BUT, I can pull hair.

15 minutes later.... KROGER

I walked through the isles with Trenten as I tried to find Grace or Noah. Because we kinda lost and this is one BIG ass store.

For some reason this always happens when—

"PLEASE, IM BEGGING YOU, I JUST GOT MY CHECK, AND MY BABY HUNGRY." My thoughts got cut short by the cry's of a sad sounding woman.

Me and Trenten heads quickly turned to the left, causing us to see the chaos this world holds.

A old woman, holding baby formula tight to her chest. The last three ones for a matter of fact, it looked like, since the shelf's were wiped completely out in the isle.

Me and Trenten looked at eachother with wide eyes. Nobody was even stoping to help or nothing, they wasn't even paying it no mind.

"This is why nobody like old people" he said, and I tried not to laugh.

We both walked towards the old lady and the young woman.

"Ma'am I see you're being very selfish here." I smiled as the old lady put the baby power formula in her cart. Then I realized it was three others in her cart. SIX, why she need that many?

She slowly turned a 90 degrees to face me.

"Gurl who is you talking to?" She looked up at me, leaning against her cart handle, as Trenten sneakily went up next to the young girl and started asking her questions.

"You" I said, and she looked at me like I was out of my mind brazy.

"Will child, I need this type milk because the other type go bad fast and my grandchildren like eating cereal." The which told me, making my mouth ajar.

Fuck dem kids.

"So you don't have a baby?" She was to focused on me to realize Trenten was sneaking the formula out her cart and into the girl cart, who looked around my age, so she probably a teen mom.

"Do I look, you young hoes be-"

"Bitch, Imma stop you right here, I WAS NOT raised right, so it done been real difficult for me to stay patient with chu" the shookest look was on her face.

"However, I just want you to know, I beat oldies." I went back to my calm voice, trying not to look off to the side where Trenten was running off with a cart of six formulas, while the girl was trying to catch up with him.

He the goofiest mother fucka' known to mankind.

"Oh my lo-"

"Will it looks like I'm done here" I quickly turned around and dipped. I ran alway to the chip section where I spotted Trenten the girl.

"Thank y'all so much, you know most people wouldn't even do that." 

"You know it's no problem"  Trenten smoothly said and I rolled my eyes as the little smile that was on her face grew.

"Your welcome, I'm Brook." I introduced myself, putting my hand out.

"I'm Nicey" she shook my head. I'm pretty surprised she accepted, because as you can see, people going horse shit about this virus.

"If you want, you can, you know, lik- like slide your number thru. Just in case another sticky situation happens that's like this again." He seemed a bit nervous while spitting game. Making Nicey and me let out chuckles.

"Yeah you deserve it" a little bit of blush shined on her right check.

He quickly pulled his phone out and handed it her so she could type in her number.

I started looking around the isle as they talked some more. I picked out some flamin hot two dollar popcorn and some honey barbecue Fritos.

"Oh my goodness she was so pretty" I heard Trenten say, sounding like he let out a huge breath of air.

I turned around and couldn't help but smile at how flustered he looked.

"I probably looked like a clown." He placed his hand on the top of his head.

"Aw man you did exquisites." I pinched my fingers together, closed my eyes and kissed them.

"Ahh shut up" he rolled his eyes as I walked up to him and threw my arms around his shoulder.

"Let's go try and find them."

3 minutes later....

"No it's not funny because I'm really about to cry." Grace whined, as I threw the bags of chips in the car.

"It's not fucking funny" tries fell out of her eyes, as Noah, Trenten, and I continued to laugh.

"Them greedy mother fuckas really took all the fruit. The one thing I wanted."

Once we actually found them, Grace was so heartbroken at the fact that there was no strawberries or kiwi left.

I was a bit salty to, because I do love me some watermelon. HOWEVER I gotta look on the bright side, at least nobody hoarding the chips.

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