I meant to say it in a confident tone be it came out in a unsure and wobbly squeak.

"You okay?" He asked scrunching up his eyebrows.

I thought quickly for a response.

I could lie and say I was fine, or I could be completely honest. which is what I preferred..

"No, actually.. I'm not." I blurted out in a hurry.

He relaxed his face and leaned back on the counter. Now that he was further away, I could see what he was wearing.

All he had on was red basketball shorts.. he was topless, allowing me to see every muscle he had from his waist up. And lord, it was a good sight..

"Well what's wrong?" He asked, interrupting my small daydream.

"To be honest Lucas, I don't not get you." I sighed nervously, walking in the kitchen.

"What don't you get, Shayla?" He smirked, tilting his head to the side.

Now he was confusing me once again..I was starting to think he liked doing that.

"I don't get what game your suppose to be playing.. you were just mad at me and now your not." I scoffed.

"Who said I wasn't mad?" He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"So you are!"

"I didn't say that either."

Completely puzzled now, I didn't know what to do.

"Oh, and I forgive you Shay." He chuckled, walking around me to the pantry.

"Right." I mumbled.

He laughed as he grabbed a bag of chips.

"What's funny?" I asked, now getting irritated.

"You. Your overthinking it.. I said I forgive you and yet you still don't believe me."

"Because your lying!" I groaned in annoyance.

"Okay, if you wanna say I'm lying, then I'm lying. Cool?"

I chewed on my lip and closed my eyes tightly.

"Whatever, you win! Can you give me a toothbrush so I can brush my teeth and leave?"

"It's in the bathroom inside the drawer." He instructed as he opened the fridge to get a water bottle.

I shook my head and quickly exited the kitchen.

If I was suppose have a good day today, it was definitely ruined..All because if Lucas's confusing mind games

I got to the restroom in absolutely no time since it was right down the hall, and started to brush my teeth. I made sure to do it slowly so I could take up more time, I really didn't want to see Lucas.

His games were tiring.. If he seriously like me and no games were being played, then I could openly say I liked him too. But with him always switching up his emotions, it made me feel like he was bound to break my heart or play me. And I wasn't looking for another person like that.

All I wanted to do was go home to my brother and live the life I was kept away from. Not be in my kidnappers house who I could possibly have feelings for.

I rinsed my mouth out and put the spare toothbrush away.

Going back into the living room, I saw Lucas was still there. He was typing away at his phone with a look of determination. Whatever it was, it wasn't my business anymore so I didn't want to involve my self in it

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