Queen of Pentacles

477 35 25


Upright: Practicality, Creature Comforts, Financial Security

Reversed: Work Life Imbalance, Smothering

A dense forest was all she could see. Everywhere around her, there were just trees. She tried to walk out, towards a small patch of anything else but trees.

She was running. Scared for her life by the noise she couldn't localize.

Loud bells, be they of wedding, death or baptism, she did not want to know. She had to run.

She didn't stop even when her legs were exhausted. She just continued to go, by crawling through mud and small dried branches, hearing them crack under her weight.

She was reaching the limits of her body, but the bells were circling her, and she could hear them getting closer.

"ENOUGH!" She screamed. Whatever little color was there, vanished under her scream, turning pitch black. The bells stopped.

A small buzzing was the only noise filling the void she was in. She tried getting up, but failed, and noticed that underneath her, instead of mud and pine cones, there was.... "Sand?"

She saw a small eagle, circling her. The critter approached her, and stopped on the ground. "Who are you, little buddy?"

The eagle suddenly flew, and the girl tried to catch it. Finally she could run again, and the eagle shown her a small oasis. There, the girl took a sip of water, since she needed some energy.

She was drinking it as if it was gold. The taste was amazing, like the essence of life. She had no idea what this water had but she couldn't stop drinking it. She needed it more and more.

The taste of the water started being more... Metallic. She looked around, and saw nothing out of the ordinary, took another sip, and the water turned into blood red.

(Name) was startled by the thing, but at the same time, the water... She felt as if she needed more.

"You like it, don't you?" A voice asked, a voice that felt freezing like ice yet soothing like honey.

She just nodded as an answer, taking one more sip. "Then stop running from your fate."

She opened her eyes and to her horror, in a stake, impaled, there laid both Jotaro and Kakyoin, their blood flowing into a basin, the one she was actually drinking from.

"Don't worry... I'll give you a taste of your new life."

The alarm rang and she woke up.

.•°•~~~~~4 Days Until Prom~~~~~•°•.

She went to a mirror and looked at herself. The eyes were normal, the same (e/c) shade, the teeth were also normal, the same white pearls she always had.

After she's done her toiletteries, she went to eat a small breakfast and prepare herself a bento for school. She was craving an orange but since her student allowance couldn't afford many, she just drank some oj she brought herself after reading Raisa's diary.

She tried to open the curtain, but suddenly felt the her skin burning. A scream of pain filled the room.

She tried putting her hand in front of the rays, and it started hurting more.

"What do I do?" She asked herself. "I can't skip school. Jotaro and Tenmei would start asking themselves what's going on. But I can't go to school like this... Unless..."

She went to the bathroom and found a bottle of sunscreen. She read/scream the label: "SPF 50. PERFECT!"

She applied on her now healed hand and waited 2 minutes before sticking the hand out again. Putting now under the sun was bearable.

"I just have to apply it over the skin that sun is touching... No big deal."

She got herself black leggings to cover her legs, the long sleeved uniform blouse and a pair of sunglasses and went ahead.

Everything she'd hear at school was about the prom, where will it be, who will be there, who will sing, who will go with whom...

Teachers tried to take the mind of children out of their thoughts only about the prom. They also promised the pupils that they'll find out all of that each day, and that Thursday and Friday will be free from school.

During lunchtime, at the usual table, instead of 4 familiar faces were only three, as Sylvia was chosen to decorate the place, meaning that she won't be at school this week. For her, there was no problem since she had the biggest grades, surpassing even Kakyoin.

"Hey... (Name), what's with the sunglasses?" Asked Kakyoin.

"FUCK. I DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!" She thought, but before she could think of something, he reached for his pocket and shown her his sunglasses. "The sun is too bright today and I have to wear them too."

"Exactly. " She replied out of panic.

Jotaro looked at them both and said with a chuckle: "You're stupid. You're both stupid."

Kakyoin's Hierophant Green went and stole his hat while Moonhigh Queen blood bended Jotaro into picking his nose. "Okay stop please."

The girl looked on her phone and told them. "Welp... Gotta go. Have fun."

Jotaro stopped her by touching her wrist: "Don't forget. After school at my place."

She saluted like a soldier and went ahead.


Before she could reach Jotaro's place, (Name) got herself a new bottle of sunscreen, but she noticed it started working less and less efficient.

But she was lucky the sun was about to set. And tomorrow was at their place.

(Name) reached Jotaro's place, and heard that Holly and Sadao go for a night out.


"Are you ready for training?" Asked Jotaro, whom took his uniform coat off. Kakyoin followed too, and rolled the sleeves of his shirt.

"I'm good. So how will we do that?" She asked.

Jotaro and Kakyoin chuckled. "Frankly we have no idea how we found out the powers of our stands." Jotaro spoke.

"Then how will we do that?"

"Good question." Said Kakyoin.

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