The Knights

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They represent: The Messenger. The Deliverer of News. He brings his suit outward towards the world

It was a starry night on the sea, and Raisa was on a ship with her parents towards the new world, as to allow Andreea let in the past of the Iron Curtain her ancestors.

The mother was looking upon the horizon at the black water, lighted by the moon. "Oh, Hecate... I wish that war never had happened."

"Mami?" A voice called. "Raisa? What happened? Why aren't you with tati?"

"Papái snores... Hehe." What could she say, after all she was a child. She hugged her mom and spoke: "Mami, you know how you're Romanian and dad is Portuguese. What if Romanian and Portugal go to war?"

Andreea gritted her teeth. "Portuguese and Romanians don't hate each other. We're all the same. We have doina, they have fado... They have saudade, we have dor."

"It feels like they do. The priest back home said Orthodoxy was what destroyed the Latin empire, and therefore Romania destroyed the greatness of the Latins."

"He was wrong to say that. There is good and bad in everyone. You are a child of both Romania and Portugal. You are proof they don't hate each other."

The girl looked at the stars, and pointed to a constellation. "MAMI! Are we in Gemini season?" Andreea took her up in her arms, as she looked where her daughter pointed.

"Ah, the Great Twins. So it seems... We've been for a while on this boat. Did you know that to the Greeks, they are twin brothers but to the Egyptians, they are he-goats that rise from the underworld, bringing pestilence and protections. Even the gods have two sides."

"Wh... What's this?"

"This is my past." The child spoke in the arms of her mother. Andreea let go of the child and with a year on her cheek, spoke:

"I am still waiting for your return, my baby... I will take care of your blessing until you return."

The silhouette of Andreea started dissolving in thin air. A child Raisa was still next to (Name) as she was walked into this dream world.

"What stand is that?"

"For now none... But..."


"No. You're alive. Kakyoin could hold less tightly your wrist but that's another story."

The girl looked at the child. The background shifted. From a boat it was now a long hallway full of mirrors.

"I am not here to explain you the fact that I am your Grandma." Started Raisa, going through one mirror, and (Name) followed. From a 10 years old, Raisa shifted into a late teen.

"But rather have a request for you... So that Dio could leave your body and enter the first corpse it finds."

Raisa passed through another mirror and she shifted again. This time looked as if she had matured. "If you still have the corpse of Ayano... You can put it into her and then expose her to sun... She'll die with him."

"Umm... Granny... I think it's a problem. We burnt Ayano."

"Then it's good." Passing through the last mirror, she looked around what her real age would say. "Because you have to go at 4 am in this place, with a mirror and a basket of grapes. You'll find some in the fridge. I asked Holly to keep them there."

"Where do I have to go exactly?" Raisa frowned.

(Name) woke up and saw a shiny green string attached to her right wrist as on her opposite side had a watchful Star Platinum.

The girl whispered in her wrist "Kakyoin I'm going to the bathroom let me go."


Kakyoin woke up as his stand sent him the news he had. "SHE'S GOING WHERE?" He shouted in his whispers.

He then quickly went to Jotaro's bedroom and started waking him up.


"Shut up bitch..." He said. "I wanna sleep."

"(Name) woke up. She spoke about going somewhere in her sleep and then told my stand to let her go as she said she needed to go to the bathroom. In her sleep speaking, she didn't plan on going to the bathroom."

Jotaro punched the guy, half asleep. "Stop spying on her. Now let me sleep."

"She's going to the forest." At those words, JoJo bolted straight up from his sleep.

"That's how you should have woken me."

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