Ten of Wands

492 33 37

A.N. I promised, guys. I promised. kyc811 I hope we'll meet at this chapter. Also I put at the media the song that needed to be used down below.


Upright: Accomplishment, Responsibility, Burden

Reversed: Inability to Delegate, Lack of Priorities

(Name)'s POV~~~~~~~~•°•.

I looked around again. I caught a glimpse of Raisa... She looks so much like my mom it's frightening. Only the hair color is different... For that mom had died it black before I went to Japan. It scares me that even Jean Pierre Polnareff looks like that one picture I saw I got from mom after she died.

All her facial figures, even seeing her in such a dress, similar to one my mom had at her own... It gives me the chills that I might have stumbled upon a paradox.

"Don't you want to find the truth?" Asked a voice from behind me. I could hear it clear as day. It was different from everything I ever heard before...

"We can communicate via your thoughts... So..." The voice started. "Tell me... What is something that you want to find about this... Raisa Alecrim?"

I hesitated for a moment... Listening to my friends singing the songs that were meant for my mom's friend.

"The lake sort of knows me."

"Come on... I don't bite. I am only giving you a tiny bit of advice to find the truth..."

"Was it you who promised time?"

"You just have to say the words..."

"Bring me to a land so green
So she'll stay awhile."

I took a deep breath and replied, I think telepathically, to the creature. "Alright. Help me uncover it!"

"Please take me there
I'm ready."

"Good..." It started. "You have to just sing your lullaby. Under the table you'll find the scores for it... So that Kakyoin and Jotaro can help "

"What if I don't remember the lyrics?"

"You will... With my help."

"The ship sways but
The heart, is steady"

"Do it!" It said, it's voice controlling me.

"I have time!"

Once Sylvia's angelic voice was done singing, I lifted up, papers in my hand as the voice has told me.

As if I was on auto pilot, I decided to give them the scores. "You take the violin, you the piano... I had something for her as well... But didn't know you planned something without me."

I said, but I was lying. I was so scared of singing... My skills weren't good at all no matter how much I tried.

The men obliged and prepared the instruments as I requested, as it was already getting late, sun making the sky hot red.

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