The Fives

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A.N. As always, the fragment in italics, as long as it represents a dream, is the part in which the song takes effect. (It's called "Possession" in case you wanna listen on YT)


They represent: Conflict, Change, Expansion

(Name) was on a scene, dressed in a purple and green ballet costume, as she kept dancing, pointes hitting the hard wood floor.

Her hands were moving graciously around her body, in a delicate manner. She rotated once, and again, allowing her body to be taken by the song she never heard but she was familiar with. Her body was as frail in moves as the Lily of the valley in an early spring, yet she shown a strength of a lion.

She kept doing consecutive pirouettes, as if it was the 37 spins in the swan lake, and bend her body to her will.

She took a peek to the scene, seeing in the closest seats from the scene two men that looked like Kakyoin and Jotaro, and they threw rose petals on her way.

The spectators seemed to be in the spell of her moves. Suddenly, the light that was lurking above her, turned blood red, as the music went backwards, catching her in the middle of another pirouette session. What seemed like rose vines caught her ankles, knees and wrist.

"Ah, my sweet ballerina..." He started.

(Name) recognized the voice. Her whole body frozen in place. The voice came closer to her.

"I won't let you go. I won't be your vessel..." She mustered. DIO came closer to her, and she spitted him right in his eyes.

"BITCH!" He slapped her so hard that she spitted blood.

"Your body will be mine... Or you'll die giving it to me... Look at Kakyoin, isn't he scratchy?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at DIO.

The man stood with the back turned to her, and in a light as powerful as the full moon's, DIO began his monologue.

"If he wouldn't have given me to you through that kiss, he would've turn into me... Why do you think he didn't leave his house himself? Why do you think his hairdo became strange?"

"I.... I..."

"Not only that, but I made him kiss your forehead... He never had the courage, afterwards, after imagining getting on with you, he couldn't bear anything anymore..."

(Name) looked at DIO. "You're a monster."

"Not quite, I'm your monster. And with you, I'll kill every single one of those who dared oppose me." DIO said, licking his lips.

"It's okay... I'm here..." A softer voice replied, trying to wake up the girl.

"Kakyoin thank God..." She then remembered that DIO was inside her, and pushed herself instantly away from him. "I just had a nightmare... I'm sorry."

She looked at the light from the window. "Oh look it's late I'll have to go..." She said, taking her clothes and rushing to one of the bathrooms to change up. "Hold on, is-" he was left mid sentence, by her rushing.

"What's going on with her?" He thought, worried.

He went down and to his surprise, she was ready. Kakyoin said goodbye to her and when she was gone, he started reading his notifications.

Sylvia(22:29): Hey, Noriaki. Idk if u up or not but, broski... We have a problem.

Sylvia (22:30): You see, DIO is more than meets the eye. We think he's somewhat the child of the First Stand.

Sylvia(22:34): And we all agreed to try to not let (Name) be alone. And Haru doesn't count as one of us.

Sylvia (22:37): The thing is that, DIO is needing a body. We try to research that, about how is he going to attack.

Sylvia (23:12): Also Raisa is (Name)'s Grandma.

Sylvia (23:33): Bruh I was close on finding who's the guy Raisa was paid by to research (Name)

Sylvia (23:35): Basically, she was told she must only research the stand, but what we thought was a possession, turned out to be a stand attack.

Sylvia (23:50): We'll go to Jotaro's. It's funny that he told us Holly thinks tomorrow is Monday.

Sylvia (00:21): I think you're sound asleep or you play games but please don't let (Name) alone.

Luckily, she slept over.... But she is gone home now.: You

After his reply, a call appeared on his phone.


Sylvia hanged up, and Kakyoin rushed to catch his friend.

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