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An hour later the chief gets back to the firehouse o hope I can solve at least one problem today

S= chief I say this with all due respect
CB= that's debatable
S= it's just that this surplus diet  seems to be making you a little short tempered which in turns  create  conflicts and stress in the house your health is very important to all of us but maybe there's a less severe approach to changing your diet  ( turns his pull around) sir
CB= you call Donna tell her I've given up after less then a week  because if I do it I'm a dead man
S= oh I don't think that's a good idea
CB= you're damn right it's now I am not a weak man I should be able to handle this
S= there is one thing that I can think of that might make this a little easier

I tell him my idea he likes it so go tell Ritter and  Gallo 

CR= oh are we still making a bowl of seeds and beans
S= no
CR= ha kidd you're a hero
S= you're making two bowls of seeds and beans
CR= what
S= well diets have a much higher success rate when you have a buddy so I offered......don't look at me like that listen I'm doing this for the team  you should be thanking me

I walk away and wait until they make mine and chief bowls 10 minutes later they finish so I take out bowls to his office and we start eating 

CB= you know you don't have to eat in here just because we're both on this ridiculous  diet
S= actually I do cause The smell of bacon in the common room was killing me
CB= this is reminded me my deep water rescue training
S= how's that
CB= The tendency of a drowning victim  to pull their rescuer down with them
S= stop I offered
CB= does it mean it was a good idea
S= she please it's nice to have your battery ones because you always have mine, and the oatmeal isn't that bad
CB= yes it is 

We somehow eat our oatmeal and it was finally the end of shift,  but me and the chief made a deal to stick to the diet for two weeks on and off shift. Right now I am at Molly's working when Matt comes In 

MC= hey kidd you seen severide
S= oh what am I his secretary
MC= whoa
S= sorry it's this stupid diet I think my stomach it digesting  itself  you need kelly  for something
MC= I just wanted to make sure he knew there was never any victims in the lake
S= I told him all about that what he didn't reach out to you
MC= not even a text
S= you men  or so.., why can't you just confront each other directly when you're pissed off about something it's childish 
MC= how long are you on this diet
S= two freaking weeks
MC= Okay
S= if I survive

I decide to let Matt know I have to talk to me so I pointed toward Brett and  her birth mother about five minutes later play Casey brett and her brith mother are ready washing out of the bar  because the mother was having some Pain I hope nothing is too wrong . The next day on shift  I catch up with Emily to see what she heard about brett birth mom 

EF= but brett sounded shaken up I was just glad everything turned out okay
S= The woman shows up out of nowhere husband acts like a jerk and Brett has her heart wide open the way she always does
EF= you're still on the surplus diet
S= yeah of course I can't bail on chief
EF= you think he stuck with it off shift he seemed ready to break to me
(See the chief walking by and goes over to him)
S= chief
CB= what!!
S= did you cheat on the diet of shift
CB= no did you
S= I told you I wouldn't
CB= well I wanted to but I stuck with it anyways because I knew that if I cheated I would have both you and Donna coming at me and that's not the kind of support that I'm looking form you
S= well that's too bad because if you're not quitting I'm not quitting ( Stella storms off)
CB=what are you looking at ( at Emily)
I walk away and try and find something but before I could we get called to a pizza shop of course we do just my luck at the scene 

= kidd with me Mouch and gallo hold back until I see what we need
M= Captain I'll have a double pepperoni please
S= oh my god that smells incredible

We save the boss of the pizza place once we get him in the ambo I see that the worker walking out toward us with a stack full of pizzas in his hands

PW= here take these for the firehouse
S= what no we can't ( gallo push Stella to the side)
PW= please we got to get rid of them were shutting down while we all go to the hospital to check on Silvio
MC= thank you he's in good hands ( grabs the pizza and hands them to mouch)
M= thank you

 When we all get in the firetruck I pedal to the metal and Drive as fast as possible back to the fire station so I can get rid of the smell of the pizza. 

S= I need to inhale exhaust right now
MC= fasted I've ever seen you drive kidd 
( out on the apparatus floor)
BG= oh that's one double cheese
M= dig in
S= if any of you go down for my heart attack I'm not resuscitating you
M= that was uncalled for

I run off to the chief office to tell him what just happened 

S= chief you would not believe what I just ..,, ( see him hid something) are you eating something
CB= mmm- mmm ( shakes his head no)
S= Wallace Boden
CB= damn ( pulls out his meatball sub) Ritter says they're really high in fiber
S= chief I thought we were in this together ( pulls out another sub and hands it to her) now we're talking

We both decide to give up on this diet because it's making us both crazy and it's not good for the fire house.  The car in the lake turns out to be a way for this dude to get this lady money and to make her feel bad. The next night after me and Kelly are fixing a good ass dinner for me him and Matt

K= so we got steaks, mashed potatoes
S= with extra butter
K= right and Broccoli
S= Broccoli florets breaded and deep fried
K= right
S= yeah ( they kiss and Matt walks In) oh
K= hey
S= your back in time for the trillion calories meal
MC= ah
S= yeah
K= so it was the guy
MC= oh it was the guy and his family of four
S= ouch ( hands him a beer)
MC= thanks
S= yeah
MC= I feel for Lisa you know she was just looking to connect with someone
S= i've been there it's not easy to find your people
K= nope 
MC= so what can I do to aid and abet this dinner
S= uh chop the florets
MC= you got it
We all work together to get a delicious  dinner done. As we are doing this dinner  i realize that I am lucky I found my people with firehouse 51 like I got the man I love and 51 is my family  I am so grateful to find my people here

Authors note: I laugh so hard at this diet that Stella and Boden was on they were so funny. Love that Stellaride try and make the best out of they private time without Matt there I think he needs to move out as soon as possible. I still however love the friendship between stellaride and Matt. also sorry I only written iy in Stella point off view there wasn't much going on with kelly this episode 

Stellaride behind the  flamesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon